Sunday, December 28, 2014

Volcanic Emotions

Volcanic Emotions

    At the deepest level of each human being lie dormant sleeping emotions. These emotions cover our eyes like veils of curtains hiding what’s hidden within. As you grow through life veils color our beliefs, perceptions and the way we interact amongst others. They determine how we dress, how we speak, how we see ourselves and others and ultimately pushes or pulls us, towards or away from our divine purpose.  Responses and reactions to all situations are initiated by what we think we feel and when issues are unresolved our volcanic emotions attempt to rise to the surface in order to become purified. Over the years we add more pressure and strain to these already mounting cancers stored in our body and subconscious mind. At times these pressures can no longer be contained an inexplicable explosion occurs.

    Explosive circumstances may be heightened by fears, perceived threats, embarrassments or slights of the smallest kind either real or perceived. If we are determined to continue to deny, project or suppress these molten emotions, we persist in hardening our hearts, bodies and spirit. When we allow such harboring sensitivities to remain and hide we deny ourselves the true beauties of life and remain captive to our demons. We are void of seeing clearly, thinking truthfuly, perceiving correctly or loving deeply...Time to surrender!

It is time to recover, time to heal and time to rejuvenate!  

If we continue the way of our suffering, we may suffer a lifetime.

How, You ask?
     Here is what I suggest...Go deep, No, deeper than before! Enter into the cavern and choose to resolve these issues, armed with the tools of courage, wisdom and patience. When we move closer within spirit and consciously decide to become one with our inner nature we are always guided and protected. This is the first key to understanding our journey, we are never truly alone. When entering the dark cavern the light of our soul will lead the way and the voice of reason becomes even louder, more consoling. In our recovery it is up to us to correctly discern and discriminate this gentle voice. It is our truest nature our truest self shining light upon the dark abyss. I concede that we all possess the mechanisms necessary to nurture the process of recovery and rehabilitation best suited to our own nature.

When the voice speaks...LISTEN…

    When you have just experienced a heightened state of emotion such as frustration, rage, extreme hatred, jealousy etc. It is important to be truthful and honest with the emotion, denial or blame are unhealthy and counterproductive. Our first response is to condemn, project our feelings on to others, feel guilt, blame, renounce or deny our responsibility in the disruption. This is a system consciousness has brilliantly designed as a defense against the breakdown of the mind. Yet this apparatus cloaks the truth denying us the ability to take full responsibility and engage the healing process, maybe not so clever after all.
    At the state of taking full responsibility in our responses and reactions we can forgive and release the pressure that is clogging our emotional pours. During the moment of intense reaction it is beneficial to permit our soul/inner voice to talk us through the intensity in order to de escalate the rising volcano. Thus allowing the taming of the beast and taking charge of the very thing we are denying. If we deny that we are angry, jealous, resentful or embarrassed (the hidden emotions) we deny our control (taming) of it. Therefore we must simply acquiesce and agree that our response or emotion is unnecessary and unhealthy. My thinking: “Maybe I am embarrassed, hurt, ashamed or guilty”, then what next? We contend to forgive ourselves, acknowledge the need for change, look into the face of the emotion and resound to combat it with a positive each and every time it rears its ugly head. “ I will use a more peace-filled reaction next time, not because I am weak but because it is not worth the fight”.
    This will deny it power over you and each time this is done your feelings of empowerment with override your negative emotions and they will no longer be the response. This will change your response making positive reaction the new unconscious reaction after all the work you will not truly notice the change because it will be an automatic endeavor yet others will notice. The key is to be completely blameless and avoid denial in order to divert responsibility. This is a major key in recovery and rehabilitation of breaking the mental chains that bind us deliberately to our emotional past. Clear the cavern, clear the air and clean the old system while creating a new way of thinking, feeling and responding. Remember that the voice that guides is your voice it is you in charge of your recovery. Veils become lifted while burdens lighten causing irrational responses to become non-existent, moving you more in line with your true nature.
One day at a time...One situation at a time!  

We can do this…We will resolve to do This...
With my utter respect and admiration for your journey,

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Prayer for the Weary


From the point of Light within the Mind of God, 

Let Light stream forth into the minds of men,

Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God, 

Let Love stream forth into the hearts of men,

May Christ return to Earth.

From the centre where the Will of God is known, 

Let purpose guide the little wills of men,
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.
From the centre which we call the race of men, 

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out,

And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth. 

OM … OM … OM
For those who are drawn to this work, click on the following link for further information.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Inner Child ...Please Rise!

The plague of doubt affects us on more levels than we can imagine. When considering real or perceived blocks to our personal and spiritual progress we must travel deeper than what is on the surface. Like an iceberg we typically notice only what is at the surface and rarely acknowledge what is submerged. We fail to pierce at what is lingering down under, where truth lies and healing begins. The truth, is that the majestic iceberg is latent with traps hidden below and is the darker side of self. Latent blocks to consider may be issues of trust, fear, insecurities, hatred, resentment and the like. These intangible, silent and subtle perceptions have built up from our young fragile minds as children dealing with stressers we have experienced. We have incorporated them into our patterns, belief systems and thinking and they have grown encrusted upon our vision clouding the way we look at the entire world around us. 

These are our belief systems and we must realize that at mature times in our lives it is necessary  to do some "Spring Cleaning" or "Winter Resolving" about getting rid of the old and allowing in the new. The same goes for our mental beliefs that more than likely house doubt, fears, hatred etc. Our current perceptions are the real blocks to achieving what we aspire to accomplish in this short span of life. It is nearly impossible to trek forward in our current state with beliefs that have not reached a matured level of resolution and forgiveness. Barriers affect us financially, socially, mentally and psychologically, they resound in our relationships and our beliefs about relationship building and the commitment and responsibilities we have while in them. When looking through a mindset of lack, poverty or inability (victim perception or blame) we contribute to our feelings of doubt closing off our trust in the divine/universal truth. 

To shift into a more abundant overflowing consciousness your trust must evolve from love, surrender and trust at the deepest level. You must visually dive deep into the subconscious latent levels, shrouded in a blanket of love, searching for those thoughts/blocks ready for release. Those at the core created at an earlier state of "conscious belief building", a time when you were afraid, lost, scared, vulnerable, alone, abandoned, confused, feeling unloved, unwanted or misunderstood. At vulnerable states in our lives we build walls that act as prisons to our vision, our highest nobility, a prison for the indwelling soul. When our inner negative mantra is "I hate", "I can't", "There wasn't", "There isn't"...then we are affirming our lack and building upon our lost feelings concertizing the barriers  imprisoning the most precious jewel of ourselves. Now we are too afraid to RISE, too afraid to love, too weak to trust, too scared to dare. We have truly lost our way, while building our castles on the sands of lost time, we must intend to destroy the old blocks and barriers and lay the foundation for the new. Here comes a New Year..resolve again to manifest the New You!

You are surely Loved,


Friday, November 28, 2014 I need it?

This blog is a little different as I rarely speak specifically about happenings in my life. I would like to discuss the way meditation in my daily experience started as a burdened thought turned to a loved sunrise morning ritual. I have studied the Ageless Wisdom and esoteric thought for over 12 years now picking up my first teaching at the age of about 25. Which is the best time for a neophyte to begin as circumstances and maturity causes one to question their existence and where's life taking them.   Through the many varying books I devoured the resounding theme throughout my entire personal library was and is the need for meditation. My personal resistance to meditation, like many others, would not allow me to consider a state of being where my mind would be forced to sit in silence void of thought for any period of time nonetheless 30 to 45 minutes, daily.

Like any lifestyle change their is the initial resistance, then comes the enthusiasm followed by the fizzling out. If my dedication to a life of modern day purity was to be taken seriously I would need to figure this dilemma out and stop the allowance of years to fade into the distance without an ounce of will placed towards my ultimate goal. How long was I willing to allow this resistance to plague me? Now for others it may not be so serious, but for me I had taken a personal oath to dedicate my life to the divine as long as I was not going to loose all of me and become some spiritual fanatic, on the corners of the city preaching the end of days. OK so that's not everyone's fear but it was mine, I just didn't want to loose who I was finding myself living in a cave or far from human lifestyle while delivering myself to the path towards enlightenment.

I knew I needed something deeper, I had been studying but was noticing very little changes I was still suffering, still angry, frustrated, judgmental all the qualities I did not like about myself. That is when I realized that the studying needed to be accompanied by accountability. Indeed something or some one or some group or organization was to hold me accountable. Luckily intuitively I was drawn to an online Trans-Himalayan meditation school that was perfect for my lifestyle and designed to teach meditation practices daily over a two year period of time. Closing up on my last year has been a daily focus of connecting to my Higher Mind through unobtrusive practices starting at  mere 5 minutes a day. I threw in some prayers that would help me through my tribulations culminating into a meditation schedule now of 45 minutes a day of NEEDED mental quietude. Without these practices I would have remained in a frustrated mental and emotional state with melancholy and unstable behaviors.

That said, meditation and concentration have been a proven tool for my first steps at change and a reorientation towards a path of purity and enlightenment.

Loving and Learning,


Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Why self-reliance is crucial to Group Unity?

     When faced with a daunting obstacle in life, self-reliance creates a need for ingenuity and resourcefulness. These traits will cause one in desperate need to become completely dependent on all resources one possesses. Resources such as personal energy, finances, mental and emotional stamina and physical strength to press forward, all the qualities we possesses in ourselves.  The reliance on our own faculties strengthens our entire energetic system creating a stronger will, discipline and balance. Once we totally rely on ourselves, especially in times of desperation it causes us to question our capabilities, acknowledge our personal weakness and commit to strengthening them for our survival. 

    Once in that predicament we continue by questioning our beliefs, our environment but more importantly our place in the world. We question our destiny and our future, our life's goals and plans, and our past errors and misjudgments. When in this quieted contemplative and meditative state we remain centered and experience ourselves in a deeper more unified presence with spirit and soul. This quiet time allows us to become one with ourselves and the divine. When connected to the divine an inner peace grows and resounds within us that spreads out and extends into the environment and to others. 

     This peace will allow you to find comfort, acceptance and forgiveness with yourself and your chaotic circumstances alleviating the problem. Once this is complete the next step is to plan the best course for resolution of your issues including issues of your past. While in this state we take on a more external view of life and all that it encompasses and we realize that all suffer the same (though events may vary). In that suffering lie's the connection, giving one the sense that we are all intertwined and experiencing the same experience. You understand that life's experiences and the connection transcends color, race, religion, gender and all physical and cultural distinctions. 

    Out-dated self-perceived barriers perpetuated by ideals, environments and historical culture patterns that are no longer conducive to the earths evolution, in fact detrimental to humanity's survival and sustainability. In this meditative illumination the initial inclination towards resolution of the initial problem becomes trivial and minimized while the plight of humanity become's the focal point. Leading you to champion and campaign against suffering to your fellow brothers and to the planet. Thus, personal self-reliance is the catalyst and the key to maintaining and building a strong sense of integrated group consciousness.

In Love We are,


*Dedicated to my Sun (son), Iziah. May you find your way home!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Let Today Be that Day!

     There comes a time when we must take a good look at our entire system, environment and tiny little worlds. Do they resonate at optimum capacity, are we aligned and truly balanced? Look at your emotional system (are we still yelling, angered easily, frustrated or living in insecurity and fear) or are we aligned with love, faith and "good vibrations"? Contemplate your mental and psychological body (do incessant old thoughts of the past color your belief system and every thoughts) or does your energetic framework speak to a harmonized nature? Meditate on your physical health what has your body been saying or better yet screaming that you have been ignoring? The environment that you rest daily in, what needs to be added or rid of?

Am I at my Best in my entire Being?
     If the answer is no, where is your will power, discipline and motivation to get you were you need to be?  Like the emptied gas tank of the automobile you can get no where without it, so too is the theory of one's life. You can get no where without the needed fuel of your own personal will power my friend. The operative word is YOU...

     One thing we need to understand about lack is that it is our weakened discipline and will that keeps us stagnant. The will is what battles and tears down obstacles, the will is what powers through to another fight and challenge, the will is what separates those who sustain the light and those consumed by the darkness. Where is your will, what is your priority to your daily disciplines? This is the question of the hour nah century. This is where we MUST take responsibility and reclaim our self-defeating behaviors. Yes..we are to blame, Yes.... we are at fault.....Yes.....we are out-of-alignment and YES we can reclaim our sovereignty for we are Divine Aristocrats, it is our birthright. 

     We have time to alter our ways and renounce of past errors, our poor choices, ignorance and misguided perceptions. Just as we gradually created a world of darkness so shall we step by step crossover into the light. So silently did we pick up bad habits through weak wills so shall we painstaking break them down. So slowly does the enlightenment pierce threw with grace, silence, contemplation and dedication so too does the divine expect no complaint and sacrifice. Focus is needed, so shall we make the day be a day of commitment to change.  

     Make today be that day, whether it be rain or tornado, make today be that day! Whether the day bring strife or calamity make today be that day! It is your weakened will and broken spirit that causes the breakdown of the energetic bodies. 

Let today Be that Day!

     The day of organization, discipline and abstinence of things unhealthy. Be greater than your mind has you believe, be greater than others think you can be, be greater than your past has imprisoned you to believe least you awaken at a time of ripe old age and live the rest of your days in despair. Whoa to the soulja of the light fated to such! What if the triumph through the battle is the key that makes you stronger and the avoidance of them what makes you weaker? What if the acceptance of all things good and bad were the keys to your gradual advancement? What if? Renounce old thinking and patterns and embrace universal truth....



Saturday, October 11, 2014


To All Those Without Solid Footing

We are not Homeless I AM Boundless
The Path of the Wanderer
not able to be contained
by Thought, Principle or Form

Not by Home nor by Occupation
Not in Body
The largest Fear is NOT the task
it is the Confinement
It is in the Breaking of molds;
Binding of Spirit
This is my nightmare
coming to this understanding
I have superimposed myself in my own mental prison

Walls cannot contain my Spirit
Housing cannot define my way
Freedom is my Nature
Warrior is my essence
and PEACE shall I pursue

It is the Cherokee, unable to Conform
it is not the caged beast in me
longing to Be Subdued
it is the imprisoned Spirit in me that longs
Nah, craves

Freedom is my Home
Spirit is my shelter
 Peace is my destiny
Cease in the craving after the things you most want &
 that Thing shall Be given unto!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Coal encrusted Jewels


    For all those who seek a life of fulfillment will eventually learn that healing lies in pain. There in that pain can healing be sought. As all therapist know one must dig deep to unravel layers of coal encrusted soot to get to the gems that lie beneath the surface. Tis such the case for those who seek the Path to Enlightenment or the Path of Light, one must journey and struggle through the darkness of self in order to release their inner potential.
    In that journey of spiraled descent lies victories and defeats, into love and loss, pain and recovery one arrives at a clearer state of awareness. A state where greater wisdom has been obtained and acceptance and forgiveness understood, where the promise of more light is bestowed to the physical vessel.  A vessel that now houses unconditional love, excelled tolerance, kindness and compassion with a clearer sense of inner peace. Yet my friend, I am here to profess that the victory is far from over and short lived. The true tests have only just begun now that you have entered the Path.
    This is a new beginning on your journey and travels of unraveling your true nature. Reaching gentle soul contact and sharing spiritual communion with self is the most notable and awe-inspiring joy of the Path. Although the battle has only begun, there is a deeper, more coal encrusted challenge that one needs to approach. One that requires strength of the body and mind, not the mere stroke of brush yet pain-staking endurance to chisel the tougher surfaces. Now comes a struggle to be endured with fortitude and resolve too continue to the task at all cost and any duration of time, until fully completed. The more encrusted substances are hard to reach, lie deeper below the surface and requires more physical efforts and actions (prayer, invocation and meditation) in order to first uncover, nonetheless to continue and conquer.
    This thick soot having been there longer than we care to imagine, defiling our true nature and holding us back from what is divinely intended is the hardship. Whether karmic in nature or genetic in pre-dispositioning (inherited) matters very little, the goal is certain, it can remain no longer!  One can recognize the inherited qualities when looking into the make up of the family and its structure. Consider their personal struggles and the hurdles the entire clan/tribe endures. To release this "family curse" as some would call it, you must shoulder responsibility for its existence and its release. Relinquishing blockages of self, saves your off-spring and absolves (exonerates) the entire family throughout past, present or future generations.
    No this is no easy feat yet the goal is set and the plan initiated with challenges understood as standing firm in the light being the intent. Generational curses may take the form of addiction or abuse, stand firm, seek therapy and gain resolve. May come in the form of emotional or mental illness, accept, take personal responsibility and Be the One! There may lie toxic or hidden resentments, forgive, rise above and resolve within to let go. Whatever the challenge the battle will rage on unless you resolve to accept and conquer it. This requires knowledge of self, courage, tactics and awareness.
    The expanded awareness and wisdom that resulted in past achievements has been bestowed to you as tools in order to meet the new challenges to come. Know the Path to light is not an easy one and not for the weak or faint at heart yet has and will be continued, it is our destiny. So congratulations on your triumph, though short lived, and onward and upward for the battle continues towards knowledge of Self. Be the One!

In the utmost esteem,


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

*Acting As A Conduit*

    It was when I experienced a negative verbal altercation that filled me with an opposing emotional response and reaction, I realized the need to release and let go. This need to recoup took me to the park, through the woods and next to a sun soaked lake. It was in that walk that the illumination set in, that while restoring my peaceful state I was becoming in tune with nature. In that peaceful restoration did I receive the clarity on "acting as a conduit" for others, humanity and ultimately the divine source. A conduit by Merriam Webster's definition is:

someone or something that is used as a way of sending something (such as information or money) from one place or person to another.                                       

    Is this not the way the divine source works through servants of humanity, through all those who wish to live in accord to righteous (right-ness)? In my difficult endeavors to remain calmed tensions seeping in blocked out the brilliance of the shining light within. Center and focus proved more an arduous task. I would need to return to a receptive state to regain balance in order for any illumination to continue, especially if said "illumination" would solve an immediate problem or concern. There in my gradual peace the understanding, that I had soaked in the negative energy from external situations as well as my own internal pressures had taken a hold on me. I had not taken on the shape of the conduit, which would essentially transform that negative and release it as a positive sending out more love then hatred or malice. Adding to the already present clouds and mud this planet is drowning in. I would need to REFRAIN from working as a contributor of dark & begin acting as a conduit for the light.
    This clarity maintained that stored negative energy throughout the system, clogs the chakra system and diseases the body. The idea is that the negative energy creates blockages to the swirling chakra centers ("seven" energy vortices throughout the body) & in clogging them it creates a foreign (unfamiliar) like matter to the system. The foreign matter acts as an enemy to the internal system. This is the concept of disease, whether stored in the fatty tissues, vital and major organs, in the skin etc. Instead of the incoming energy being released it becomes trapped and circulated through the system finding residence in your weakened states. The weakened states may be psychological creating instability in moods, temperaments, perceptions and thinking. Creates maladies' in the physical body causing cancers, tumors or even immune weakness where the organs may shut down completely. They may cause a spiritual deprivation blocking positive energy from the divine or emotional issues centered in the heart creating relationship problems. By letting this negative source into your body, through your system and infiltrate your thinking you send it back out into your immediate environment. Thus attracting the consequences and keeping you locked into a state of chaos and turmoil. Then becoming the antithesis or opposite of a divine conduit. In the task of acting as a positive energy source for yourself, environment and ultimately the planet, it is important to clearly understand, accept and act in accord to your mission. This mission is to BE that source, to resonate at optimum frequency of Love and to live a life of goodwill towards others. When we fall prey to our unstable emotions take the time to consider what it is you are truly here for and act in accordance.

Always in Love,
Always in Light,
Always in Power.


Monday, September 15, 2014

Advancement of Thought

**First I would like to say THANK YOU to the READERS in China for your support and committed readership, you have made this experience worth continuing!

There has been birthed into the planet a newer age of thinking amongst man. One along the lines of a more evolved and harmonious intelligence that caters to the advancement of humanity. One that recognizes the need for a more open and free thought observation, one globally minded and passionate towards all life. It has been told that we are in an era of mass conscious expansion and enlightenment  never  before offered to so many willing souls on this planet. A momentous occasion indeed! In considering the concept of  free will being established, this of course means nothing to those who choose not to partake/drink. We exist in a prophesized time of planetary change, growth and development. No doubt we live simultaneously encased in heightened  times of war, famine, sweatshop slavery, licentiousness, greed and deceit at every turn, consequently this is the duality of our "reality".  The man taking responsibility for his own thought, words and action free of blame, justification or denial must cohabitate peacefully and securely amongst the dichotomy (whole divides into parts) of our current times.
  • How is this cohabitation to be done in peace?
By changing, as we have already considered thought, words/speech and behaviors (especially those subtle and undetected by the self) we place into the universe. Even stepping beyond that we must ACTIVELY participate in the changes we want to see occur in the world this includes the global community. If we are to do as the master Mahatma Gandhi has advised:

 “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”
  • How is the new thinker of enlightenment to transform beyond simply thinking and into action? (Transcending thinking from the mental plane into the physical plane of existence as an outer form expression of universal love...)
Simple, below I offer various suggestions and examples of how this manifestation can take place:

Actions may consist of volunteering-time, energy, books, resources, donations and old clothing, appliances and cleaning supplies to varying non-profit organizations such as homeless shelters, animal shelters, disaster relief organizations, children's group homes and all points of focus where comforts and compassion are offered to the struggling and disadvantaged. Note: DO NOT WAIT FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON participate NOW!

If we are writers/scribes of the spirit inclined to write in our service to humanity it is important to follow that calling. For the mission is not your own, the purpose is even greater than you may suppose. For you may hold information ( a key) that may be apart of the divine plan towards humanities enlightenment to unlock the prisoner from his/her cell. This prison may be in the form of mental, emotional, psychological or spiritual decay and the tools and keys divinely bestowed to you are not for your safe keeping. They are to be shared least they turn on their guardian keeping them imprisoned. Worse than that they whither away causing a great disservice to you, the prisoner and humanity as a collective.

We should actively support local farmers, free trade agendas (establishing open markets of trade  throughout the global community which allows underdeveloped countries to sell there supplies/goods to a larger population lessening the grip of poverty for that individual, family and country), consider supporting free trade markets (this is more of a social movement that helps producers in developing countries to achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability.) Let's get active, lets start participating and supporting even in belief.

We all at this point should have considered unnecessary water consumption, recycling, spending more of our dollars on products NOT tested on animals and that commit to a socially responsible practice. We should NOT be supporting soul-less corporation who rip at he fabric of the holistic wellbeing of a free society. This can be done through a personal yet subtle boycott when you abstain (restrain oneself from doing or enjoying something) that goes against whatever agenda you stand for. This does not have to be done though picket signs and rallies, it can simply be done through the refraining from supporting its harmful agenda whatever it may be.

We should be able to deny our lower/ animal body the appetites of the flesh that are toxic to the vehicle, this will allow more purity to shine and resonate through. This frequency will assist in changing thoughts, speech and behaviors while emanating on to others in the home, nation and planet. We must act as conduits of light and love and pure energy to balance the negative, dull and life-less dross we are consumed by presently. This is where we must take responsibility for ourselves and others, we are the keepers of our brothers. Hold your head steady in the light is the daily mantra.
Refrain from the autopilot drive to fast food places, carry apples, crackers and oranges in the car or travel carriers for a quick fix of hunger while on the commute. Food should be handled and cooked with love in your place of residence regularly only occasionally should one dine out. Consider also during the grocery store trip, exactly what foods are needed to help the body resonate at its optimal efficiency, make a list and stray not from it. These things are challenging but are we not yet advanced enough to change the behavior, appetite and conditioning/habit? Are we enlightened or are we NOT?

  • What then is the solution of the illumined man?
Soul-you-tions lie in your active participation of the changes required for humanities advancement from thought into action. Placing ourselves into situations that were once never considered or perhaps even uncomfortable, for the purpose of stepping out of ourselves and into service for a spiritually impoverished humanity. We as the enlightened ones we must initiate transformation by taking responsibility for Self not just self and family but others and humanity in its entirety.

I leave you in peace****


*Look out for the next blog that will continue the discussion on specific remedies for our advancement, and if you have suggestion please feel free to type them in or email me)

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Divine Armor from Darkness...

All human beings possess weaknesses, some are more aware of them then others. It is the awareness of them that assist in alleviating them. It is the truth, illumination, courage and fortitude along with a determined will that helps to combat life's obstacles. It can be assumed  that 60% of failures may possibly lie in man's internal struggles, the one's that rage in man against man. The battle between his strong and weak nature. The fight between his rights and impulsive wrongs. While 20% manifest as real and external obstacles, such as un/under employment, no real jobs available or lack in education/skills. The need for reliable transportation, finances and ability to budget or the need for childcare and reliable health coverage. These are real and global crisis that affect all of humanity especially at this time in modern man's life. The remaining 10% can be attributed to negative influences from relationships, family, real enemies like co-workers and manipulative people that exist in our lives that act as "crabs in a barrel", consistently and intentionally tightening a invisible noose around our necks or feet to halt or hinder our advancements. Whether past, present or future, their influence can be great indeed! Vigilance, silence, detachment and forgiveness is the only true answer for this concern.

At times of crisis the beautiful bird of illumination awaits the point where the mind opens to its gentle nudge of truth. During the process of decided change in one's life when the truth of our weakness and responsibilities in the failures are allowed and encouraged to surface, the ease of the struggle shines its light. It is the glimmer like a flame in the dark that helps us to solve our immediate problems. At some time it is necessary to find our faults in order to solve our immediate personal crisis. While we work hard to discover, conquer and repair the rips in our life's journey this will give the immediate struggle just what it needs and that is time, time to figure out a solution, time for illumination to seep in and time for the universe to respond. Time for us to realize how to strengthen our internal and external weaknesses and time to give us courage to detach from unhealthy personal and social relationships.  I hope this makes sense?  When we are in a state of immediate crisis whether homelessness, lack of food source, no transportation or unemployment the only true cure is ingenuity, divine assistance and time. These are the blessings of the divine, this is one way that the universe responds to your silent secret cries in the night.  So arise from your darkness and allow the light of illumination, ingenuity and divine assistance to take control.

Be at Peace forever!



Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Door of the Seeker Hidden in Plane Sight

The Door is Open for the Seeker

Scholarly Aristocracy in Times Past...

Consider Consistency

It may be easy for some to conceive of a universal, divine, immortal, all-knowing, unconditionally loving divine spark that resides outside of us. Yet how easy is it to contend with the idea of a piece of that same spark to reside and take up residence within all mortal beings and nature? The soul may just be that spark of the creator that keeps us alive. The only indwelling thing that is alive. Without it the heart have no need to pump or the brain no need to illuminate. This spark goes virtually unrecognized, underutilized and misrepresented.

This spark must be able to be indwell within a human vessel in order to take its rightful place in your life and as the center and all pervading presence in your existence. You must have the proper tools to chisel out a place for it to move and have its being inside you. Without moving and removing the stagnant unwanted inner materials how can it flourish and permeate through you. It's home must be free of toxic clutter and filth, cleaning must take place.

This understanding came
The Soul/Spark can NOT:
Sing within a broken Heart
Love through poisoned Chambers
Enter into a corrupted Vessel
See through a clouded third eye
Speak through a filthy mouth
Listen through deaf/clogged eyes
Live in a fearful environment
Think in a tainted mind
Reside in a battered mental State
And tolerate an unhealthy relationship or
Stand balanced on toxic ground
Regain grounding and harmony for balance
Rejuvenate or terminate existing decaying
Reconcile with past mistakes and empty the disturbed heart while
Clearing the mental body 
Then forgive and Regroup!
Upon which you will begin to feel your sparks gentle approach to move, be heard and felt within and around your being.
This Precious Jewel of The Sun
Precious Jewel of The Lotus
Forgive and Love thyself!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Evolving from Paranoia to Vigilance

     Often times our mind is flooded with gruesome stories of horror, violence with malicious images. Plaguing our minds and altering our ability to discern and see things clearly. The ability to clearly discriminate between what is good, beautiful and true can be greatly affected and distorted through such scattered mental madness. When we are unequipped to alleviate the shroud of paranoia that surges the mind certain negativity and doubt hides the light that shines in all life. Paranoia manifest in life as a suffocating mental perception projected onto others and situations viewing them obsessively as destructive and unstable.  There is no doubt in our mind that man is capable of the most heinous terrors imaginable. We need only turn on the 10 o'clock news to witness perpetual national and global atrocity. We witness rape, brutality, desecration and all sorts of premeditated evil.

    Yet to that there lies an opposing goodness in the nature of man not readily reported. We rarely witness compassionate acts of gratitude and kindness, loving and fruitful exchange or sincere and reverent display from humanity. Change is among us frightful as well as loving. Humanity is evolving, maybe slower than one would like, but progressing nonetheless. Let us evolve into a more vigilant, discerning and discriminating humankind, where we live not in denial of evil but possess a certain peace to its presence. This is not foolish or unreasonable but living in the acceptance of all that life has to offer. Vigilance in life is a paramount phenomena to our survival as a species, yet paranoia is only the disintegration of the conscious evolving mind.

     Never allow paranoia to stop you from experiencing all that life has to offer. Paranoia will keep you imprisoned in your home, hold you captive in old beliefs and jail your body and mind causing disease to both. Set paranoia free, never to return and embrace freedom through vigilant perception and discriminating mindfulness. Through wisdom and personal experience we should know that humanity, though infantile in its celestial majesty is destined for a greater state of Being and awareness. Follow the course of our evolution journey towards a more light and peace-filled existence!
By following the Light, We find True Love.
With everything I possess and renounce,

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Not Superficial ....... but Dvine Beauty/Radiance

     We all Long to feel beautiful, glowing and more radiant.
Yet what we truly seek is an inner essence radiating our true divine nature.
Inner beauty resonates and permeates at a higher frequency. A frequency that can not be captured in photograph or film.
This higher frequency of love emanating through the pores can not be detected by those living in  illusion, its vibration penetrates beyond mere skin-deep superficiality.
In the eye of the beholder does the perception of the soul (the subjective One) ring forth, the soul being the only true knower of what is real.  
Seek a beauty that lies deeper than fraudulent and skewed media representation, the air-brushed mirage sought after by all living "The Great Lie".
It lies not in collagen injections, can not be found in plastic surgery and will never be maintained in owning over-priced, luxurious possessions.
As the grace of maturity sweeps throughout all of life, as it will for All, embracing  radiance should be ever more celebrated.
As the nation of more conscious brothers awakens towards progressive evolutionary thinking the search for something more meaningful will proliferate.
The quest for things profound, intangible and offering more depth will replace the shallow popularity of the day.
There will come a time when society will realize the subtle, and not so subtle, influence superficial beauty has on the psyche, emotions, self-worth and overall well-being.
To feel ugly is to feel undesirable,
to feel unwanted is to feel invisible,
to feel unseen is to feel removed,
to feel excluded is to feel apart from the whole.
The whole of which we all are a part.
If we are to embrace our understanding of the ideal that
it is then imperative to feel better about ourselves (more beautiful).
Therefore we must take note that being a part of that whole is the exact thing that makes us radiant and glorious. 
Because you belong to that whole you are a natural beauty.
If we can not destroy the industry of illusion than we must commit to rebuilding our divine selves one brick at a time.
Throughout past blogs I have offered much food for thought on where to begin and the nature of the beasts that abound within us ALL!
Take heed...
When we begin with our inner shadow nature the light of day will dawn and break into a more magnanimous you.
At a cellular level we will become more energized, revitalized and replenished calling us to a higher more noble direction in our lifestyle.
Discipline with ourselves allows us to become more luminous...
NOT Superficial Beauties.
Be the Beacon of Light for the D'vine!
With every ounce of my love,

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Depression...The Great Beast!

    There comes a time in all man's existence when the great phantom of darkness/depression descends upon us. At times unexpectedly..and on occasion, triggered by circumstance. Whatever the case the result is the same, inability to function at normal energetic capacity. We loose faith, hope, clarity and determination. It grips with its poisonous claws seducing us into the abyss of our sorrows, deliberate and unrelenting. Until we become tangled in a web of despair and melancholy, loss and irreversible hopelessness. We have no energy for struggle, no desire for battle an surely no hope for defeat.
Battle with The Great Beast has Begun!
    Like Hercules we are enthralled in a severe testing phase of life where courage is our only sword and summoned strength our only hope for escape. The beast is stealthful, cunning and lurks about awaiting the most opportune time to strike, this we must be vigilant of! Vigilance and constant awareness are our "Golden Key" to survival.  
    I speak not to the audience struggling through neuro-cellular  defects or depression genetically inherited, for these ones need assistance at a greater level. This depression is too deeply embedded that only the care and guidance of a skilled professional can tackle. And for those dear friends...I say: SEEK SUCH ASSISTANCE IMMEDIATELY! Know when you are defeated and at wits end. Do not Wait, Do not Deny, regain your strength guided by needed medication (wholistic or traditional) and therapy (in order to learn better coping skills). I studied psychology in my undergrad and am aware of its debilitating effects on the human mental system. Take this not lightly, man must know himself in order to garner strength in the battle of the shadow side of himself. Yet for those who battle the beast only on occasion and with due diligence these words are dedicated to you.  
     Now that we may discern and know the face of the shadow, what can be done upon his impending arrival? Only at recognizing its onset can the shadow side of us (the beast) be thwarted. This is the key to vigilance, to be aware of his arrival before the venomous claws have sunken in. Notice his subtle presence, draining you quietly. Heed the lack in energy, the slightest signs of fear, worry and doubt.  Negative thinking and reactions to self and others whether we become emotionally aloof, mentally strained, physically exhausted and confused in action and decision. Everything becomes a chore in eating, talking and actions. Signs my friends are our greatest allies!
     Seek its source, the real source of our fears and worry, write them down  and put them in front of you. Take the steps needed in order to combat the shadow while you still have care and energy left. For the time being eat foods that revitalize fruits, nuts, veggies and grains. Cut back on starches, acidic foods, heavy meat products that rob the body of energy and vital nutrients. Temporarily refrain from alcohol & drug abuse (side note:Abuse and addiction are separate entities. Addiction calls for treatment..period!) as this feeds the beast.  Replace these with purified water with fresh squeezed lemon and peppermint or green detoxing teas. When the body has replenished itself and balance has been restored moderation in lifestyle should be maintained.
     Consistent meditation is also recommended in order to keep the body constantly at peace, the mind steady in the light and the emotional body controlled and centered. The ancient elders knew this and so shall it be the modern mans medicine.
In constant Love & Light,

Thursday, June 12, 2014

State of Recovery

   I believe that all people struggle through tribulations in their lives leaving them weakened, when this occurs the trauma leaves us in a difficult state of mind. The aftermath and the healing process, by my understanding, require a state of recovery.  The state of recovery is possible for everyone, a state of transformation from the old to the new. This transfiguration is no easy feat to accomplish. One must be drawn to the will to do good. A good for greater than mere words. Harder than just a simple fleeting commitment but an oath. A vow to transform misguided judgments replaced with better choices. A life filled with peace of mind and ease of living away from drama, turmoil, despair even lack.

Commit  friends, commit to a betterment of life that calls for dedication and discipline to change the old ways necessary for advancement. Do you wish to continue a life of boredom, suffering, emptiness and complacency? Complacency, being a feeling of smug  dissatisfaction with oneself or one's achievements. Commit to an attitude of harmlessness, compassion and love for all those including those who bring discomfort.

Can this be done, will you surrender the old to Accomplish the New, the Great, the Unthinkable?

    Move towards the light of peace and balance in all your interactions and social display. Can this be done? Will you enjoy the comforts and peace off all life that beckons your work and commitment to recovery? We as a nation of man can no longer continue to live in doubt, fear and exile of things greater. We can accomplish anything that is divinely intent for us. Is this clear? If it is divinely intent it is for us to do, it is the thing we MUST do! Take small steps yet execute those things necessary to live doubtless of your capabilities, doubtless of your knowing, of Being and of living fullness. Returning to a path of recovery is returning to a life of simplicity, back to the basic principles of existence.

    Return to a state of recovery to redevelop and recreate a new you and a new existence. We must do this Now and here and forever. We are one with the divine spark....

Be that...

Be you...
                  In love and honor,



Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Destroying Doubt....

     So many times in life do we block our blessings through doubt. Unconsciously destroying that which is rightfully ours through divine birthright. The energy and radiance we acquire through daily discipline gives us the ability to now manifest. Manifestation can not be simply taught it is law that must be understood. It must be experienced, respected and honored. It is a difficult thing to learn the workings of the cyclical nature of manifestation and karmic retribution. If we understand the concepts of timing (cycles) influencing our lives while forging ahead with daily discipline manifestation becomes a tool for progression to combat harsh waves tossing us aimlessly through life.
Through consistent dedication, a momentum of radiance can be sustained and manifestation will cyclically respond to whichever phase you are in. If you have dedicated your time to daily meditation, prayer, spiritual readings, purification and harmlessness you will have built a wall of protection from harmful conditions lessoning its effect on you.

     We must accept that all challenges in our lives are mere cyclical changes offering ample opportunity for advancement. Though we may understand that some occurrences are out of our control we also must be willing to take full responsibility for our roles. This is where destroying doubt plays a major role in conquering the blocks and allowing the blessing to emerge in their rightful time, place and order. When the head of doubt manifest...take a deep breath...and think the opposite thought!
Try it! This is just a little reminder for the day and the days to come!

In Love and All Light,


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Volcanic Emotions

Volcanic Emotions

    At the deepest level of each human being lie dormant sleeping emotions. These emotions cover our eyes like veils of curtains hiding what’s hidden within. As you grow through life veils color our beliefs, perceptions and the way we interact amongst others. They determine how we dress, how we speak, how we see ourselves and others and ultimately pushes or pulls us, towards or away from our divine purpose.  Responses and reactions to all situations are initiated by what we think we feel and when issues are unresolved our volcanic emotions attempt to rise to the surface in order to become purified. Over the years we add more pressure and strain to these already mounting cancers stored in our body and subconscious mind. At times these pressures can no longer be contained an inexplicable explosion occurs.

    Explosive circumstances may be heightened by fears, perceived threats, embarrassments or slights of the smallest kind either real or perceived. If we are determined to continue to deny, project or suppress these molten emotions, we persist in hardening our hearts, bodies and spirit. When we allow such harboring sensitivities to remain and hide we deny ourselves the true beauties of life and remain captive to our demons. We are void of seeing clearly, thinking truthfuly, perceiving correctly or loving deeply...Time to surrender!

It is time to recover, time to heal and time to rejuvenate!  

If we continue the way of our suffering, we may suffer a lifetime.

How, You ask?
     Here is what I suggest...Go deep, No, deeper than before! Enter into the cavern and choose to resolve these issues, armed with the tools of courage, wisdom and patience. When we move closer within spirit and consciously decide to become one with our inner nature we are always guided and protected. This is the first key to understanding our journey, we are never truly alone. When entering the dark cavern the light of our soul will lead the way and the voice of reason becomes even louder, more consoling. In our recovery it is up to us to correctly discern and discriminate this gentle voice. It is our truest nature our truest self shining light upon the dark abyss. I concede that we all possess the mechanisms necessary to nurture the process of recovery and rehabilitation best suited to our own nature.

When the voice speaks...LISTEN…

    When you have just experienced a heightened state of emotion such as frustration, rage, extreme hatred, jealousy etc. It is important to be truthful and honest with the emotion, denial or blame are unhealthy and counterproductive. Our first response is to condemn, project our feelings on to others, feel guilt, blame, renounce or deny our responsibility in the disruption. This is a system consciousness has brilliantly designed as a defense against the breakdown of the mind. Yet this apparatus cloaks the truth denying us the ability to take full responsibility and engage the healing process, maybe not so clever after all.
    At the state of taking full responsibility in our responses and reactions we can forgive and release the pressure that is clogging our emotional pours. During the moment of intense reaction it is beneficial to permit our soul/inner voice to talk us through the intensity in order to de escalate the rising volcano. Thus allowing the taming of the beast and taking charge of the very thing we are denying. If we deny that we are angry, jealous, resentful or embarrassed (the hidden emotions) we deny our control (taming) of it. Therefore we must simply acquiesce and agree that our response or emotion is unnecessary and unhealthy. My thinking: “Maybe I am embarrassed, hurt, ashamed or guilty”, then what next? We contend to forgive ourselves, acknowledge the need for change, look into the face of the emotion and resound to combat it with a positive each and every time it rears its ugly head. “ I will use a more peace-filled reaction next time, not because I am weak but because it is not worth the fight”.
    This will deny it power over you and each time this is done your feelings of empowerment with override your negative emotions and they will no longer be the response. This will change your response making positive reaction the new unconscious reaction after all the work you will not truly notice the change because it will be an automatic endeavor yet others will notice. The key is to be completely blameless and avoid denial in order to divert responsibility. This is a major key in recovery and rehabilitation of breaking the mental chains that bind us deliberately to our emotional past. Clear the cavern, clear the air and clean the old system while creating a new way of thinking, feeling and responding. Remember that the voice that guides is your voice it is you in charge of your recovery. Veils become lifted while burdens lighten causing irrational responses to become non-existent, moving you more in line with your true nature.
One day at a time...One situation at a time!  

We can do this…We will resolve to do This...
With my utter respect and admiration for your journey,