Why self-reliance is crucial to Group Unity?
When faced with a daunting obstacle in life, self-reliance creates a need for ingenuity and resourcefulness. These traits will cause one in desperate need to become completely dependent on all resources one possesses. Resources such as personal energy, finances, mental and emotional stamina and physical strength to press forward, all the qualities we possesses in ourselves. The reliance on our own faculties strengthens our entire energetic system creating a stronger will, discipline and balance. Once we totally rely on ourselves, especially in times of desperation it causes us to question our capabilities, acknowledge our personal weakness and commit to strengthening them for our survival.
Once in that predicament we continue by questioning our beliefs, our environment but more importantly our place in the world. We question our destiny and our future, our life's goals and plans, and our past errors and misjudgments. When in this quieted contemplative and meditative state we remain centered and experience ourselves in a deeper more unified presence with spirit and soul. This quiet time allows us to become one with ourselves and the divine. When connected to the divine an inner peace grows and resounds within us that spreads out and extends into the environment and to others.
This peace will allow you to find comfort, acceptance and forgiveness with yourself and your chaotic circumstances alleviating the problem. Once this is complete the next step is to plan the best course for resolution of your issues including issues of your past. While in this state we take on a more external view of life and all that it encompasses and we realize that all suffer the same (though events may vary). In that suffering lie's the connection, giving one the sense that we are all intertwined and experiencing the same experience. You understand that life's experiences and the connection transcends color, race, religion, gender and all physical and cultural distinctions.
Out-dated self-perceived barriers perpetuated by ideals, environments and historical culture patterns that are no longer conducive to the earths evolution, in fact detrimental to humanity's survival and sustainability. In this meditative illumination the initial inclination towards resolution of the initial problem becomes trivial and minimized while the plight of humanity become's the focal point. Leading you to champion and campaign against suffering to your fellow brothers and to the planet. Thus, personal self-reliance is the catalyst and the key to maintaining and building a strong sense of integrated group consciousness.
In Love We are,
*Dedicated to my Sun (son), Iziah. May you find your way home!
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