Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Destroying Doubt....

     So many times in life do we block our blessings through doubt. Unconsciously destroying that which is rightfully ours through divine birthright. The energy and radiance we acquire through daily discipline gives us the ability to now manifest. Manifestation can not be simply taught it is law that must be understood. It must be experienced, respected and honored. It is a difficult thing to learn the workings of the cyclical nature of manifestation and karmic retribution. If we understand the concepts of timing (cycles) influencing our lives while forging ahead with daily discipline manifestation becomes a tool for progression to combat harsh waves tossing us aimlessly through life.
Through consistent dedication, a momentum of radiance can be sustained and manifestation will cyclically respond to whichever phase you are in. If you have dedicated your time to daily meditation, prayer, spiritual readings, purification and harmlessness you will have built a wall of protection from harmful conditions lessoning its effect on you.

     We must accept that all challenges in our lives are mere cyclical changes offering ample opportunity for advancement. Though we may understand that some occurrences are out of our control we also must be willing to take full responsibility for our roles. This is where destroying doubt plays a major role in conquering the blocks and allowing the blessing to emerge in their rightful time, place and order. When the head of doubt manifest...take a deep breath...and think the opposite thought!
Try it! This is just a little reminder for the day and the days to come!

In Love and All Light,


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