There has been birthed into the planet a newer age of thinking amongst man. One along the lines of a more evolved and harmonious intelligence that caters to the advancement of humanity. One that recognizes the need for a more open and free thought observation, one globally minded and passionate towards all life. It has been told that we are in an era of mass conscious expansion and enlightenment never before offered to so many willing souls on this planet. A momentous occasion indeed! In considering the concept of free will being established, this of course means nothing to those who choose not to partake/drink. We exist in a prophesized time of planetary change, growth and development. No doubt we live simultaneously encased in heightened times of war, famine, sweatshop slavery, licentiousness, greed and deceit at every turn, consequently this is the duality of our "reality". The man taking responsibility for his own thought, words and action free of blame, justification or denial must cohabitate peacefully and securely amongst the dichotomy (whole divides into parts) of our current times.
- How is this cohabitation to be done in peace?
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”
- How is the new thinker of enlightenment to transform beyond simply thinking and into action? (Transcending thinking from the mental plane into the physical plane of existence as an outer form expression of universal love...)
Actions may consist of volunteering-time, energy, books, resources, donations and old clothing, appliances and cleaning supplies to varying non-profit organizations such as homeless shelters, animal shelters, disaster relief organizations, children's group homes and all points of focus where comforts and compassion are offered to the struggling and disadvantaged. Note: DO NOT WAIT FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON participate NOW!
If we are writers/scribes of the spirit inclined to write in our service to humanity it is important to follow that calling. For the mission is not your own, the purpose is even greater than you may suppose. For you may hold information ( a key) that may be apart of the divine plan towards humanities enlightenment to unlock the prisoner from his/her cell. This prison may be in the form of mental, emotional, psychological or spiritual decay and the tools and keys divinely bestowed to you are not for your safe keeping. They are to be shared least they turn on their guardian keeping them imprisoned. Worse than that they whither away causing a great disservice to you, the prisoner and humanity as a collective.
We should actively support local farmers, free trade agendas (establishing open markets of trade throughout the global community which allows underdeveloped countries to sell there supplies/goods to a larger population lessening the grip of poverty for that individual, family and country), consider supporting free trade markets (this is more of a social movement that helps producers in developing countries to achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability.) Let's get active, lets start participating and supporting even in belief.
We should be able to deny our lower/ animal body the appetites of the flesh that are toxic to the vehicle, this will allow more purity to shine and resonate through. This frequency will assist in changing thoughts, speech and behaviors while emanating on to others in the home, nation and planet. We must act as conduits of light and love and pure energy to balance the negative, dull and life-less dross we are consumed by presently. This is where we must take responsibility for ourselves and others, we are the keepers of our brothers. Hold your head steady in the light is the daily mantra.
Refrain from the autopilot drive to fast food places, carry apples, crackers and oranges in the car or travel carriers for a quick fix of hunger while on the commute. Food should be handled and cooked with love in your place of residence regularly only occasionally should one dine out. Consider also during the grocery store trip, exactly what foods are needed to help the body resonate at its optimal efficiency, make a list and stray not from it. These things are challenging but are we not yet advanced enough to change the behavior, appetite and conditioning/habit? Are we enlightened or are we NOT?
- What then is the solution of the illumined man?
I leave you in peace****
*Look out for the next blog that will continue the discussion on specific remedies for our advancement, and if you have suggestion please feel free to type them in or email me)
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