Monday, July 7, 2014

Evolving from Paranoia to Vigilance

     Often times our mind is flooded with gruesome stories of horror, violence with malicious images. Plaguing our minds and altering our ability to discern and see things clearly. The ability to clearly discriminate between what is good, beautiful and true can be greatly affected and distorted through such scattered mental madness. When we are unequipped to alleviate the shroud of paranoia that surges the mind certain negativity and doubt hides the light that shines in all life. Paranoia manifest in life as a suffocating mental perception projected onto others and situations viewing them obsessively as destructive and unstable.  There is no doubt in our mind that man is capable of the most heinous terrors imaginable. We need only turn on the 10 o'clock news to witness perpetual national and global atrocity. We witness rape, brutality, desecration and all sorts of premeditated evil.

    Yet to that there lies an opposing goodness in the nature of man not readily reported. We rarely witness compassionate acts of gratitude and kindness, loving and fruitful exchange or sincere and reverent display from humanity. Change is among us frightful as well as loving. Humanity is evolving, maybe slower than one would like, but progressing nonetheless. Let us evolve into a more vigilant, discerning and discriminating humankind, where we live not in denial of evil but possess a certain peace to its presence. This is not foolish or unreasonable but living in the acceptance of all that life has to offer. Vigilance in life is a paramount phenomena to our survival as a species, yet paranoia is only the disintegration of the conscious evolving mind.

     Never allow paranoia to stop you from experiencing all that life has to offer. Paranoia will keep you imprisoned in your home, hold you captive in old beliefs and jail your body and mind causing disease to both. Set paranoia free, never to return and embrace freedom through vigilant perception and discriminating mindfulness. Through wisdom and personal experience we should know that humanity, though infantile in its celestial majesty is destined for a greater state of Being and awareness. Follow the course of our evolution journey towards a more light and peace-filled existence!
By following the Light, We find True Love.
With everything I possess and renounce,

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