Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Trying to Know the Knower....

After we have assessed our need for spiritual guidance where do we move from there? Typically when We have reached that point of need it is during or after some manifested form of chaos or life changing event. This may be from a series of unfortunate events, as you know when it rains it pours. At some defining moment during this storm a small spark of illumination compels us to question our existence. After wiping our tears of destruction, we sit in silence and ponder our divine purpose. Some may return to their religion of birth, where they find comfort, refuge or solace. The place of traditional peace that leads us to the sacred text for words of wisdom and instruction. In this traditional cavern we may find our friends, families, elders and neighbors to assist and guide.

Yet for some there is no such refuge, no traditional text, words, guidance or prophets to turn to. They may be believers just non-followers. Where are they to turn, confused, possibly scared and maybe even alone? The search for the Great Source may now begin, for those who feel unguided fear not your guide is close at hand. No it is not me I am but a mere fellow follower on the path. I tread along with you but your guide is that soft voice that whispers in the dead of silence. Away from the chaos, the mayhem and confusion, far from the heavy thumping music, IPHONE and reality-tv. The best guide is your soul, the spark of the One that connects us All. The one that has never been absent, always watching and ready when you are. When you sit in quiet meditation or contemplation be sure to listen out for the One Knower.

Closer than you think closer than you may Know!

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Not religious...but Spiritual

What does this mantra mean to you? Yet for modern man, especially the young American this is his personal cry. Does this imply something better than or worse than? I too have been guilty of asserting the same idea and with it the confusion that it conveys. There is an uncertainty and  weakness in this thinking. What was I really saying, what was the story behind this perception?  At first I knew is was that I stood against one thing and was for another. I also knew that it meant I was not longer held to certain traditional standards. I no longer held beliefs that I did as a child or that others in a particular group believed. But I also knew that I still believed in prophets, messages and teachings from more than one source. Was that a good thing? Was that a bad thing...should I only believe in one prophet and one message, what if there were truths that ring true in many different teachings?

Should I need to convert to Islam, Taoism or Buddhism but this would be too confusing? And I can not make my own religion of pieces of the ones that fit my agenda, could I? The answer is NO …. this would lead me nowhere. As we find that things are changing, times are changing, perceptions are changing why should mine not? The discovery and beginning of my search would need to begin. But where? One must seek in silence the knowledge required to open the gates of truth. Here is my suggestion to the neophyte (new student) dealing with a similar situation. Go to a local bookstore or even online but I suggest the store as it holds many mysteries the older it is. Go to the section of the store where the dust has settled, past the novels and literature most common to today’s reader. For what you seek is not advertised in the storefront it is away from the common traveler. For what you seek lies in the metaphysical section, esoterics, spiritual or the occult, hidden away from the fast paced society of the day. It is an ancient wisdom that has been there all along awaiting your readiness and awakening to the prompts of your soul. It is where Spirit lies dormant guiding you back to the Source.

Treasures are everywhere~TMG
Find the treasures in the book that speaks to the soul, purchase it and allow the wisdom to resonate with you, enchant your senses, open your mind and stir intrigue. At it’s inception your mind may resist but persist. You may feel the urge to sleep, reject or debate its validity but press on and continue to listen to the story that it is conveying whether you believe or not, at best it is simply knowledge. If it is not for you then “Begin again ...begin again...begin again”. Seek further into other knowledge you  must penetrate deeper….Over and Over you must seek until you find.

Til we speak again my Friend,


Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Solitude in Solidarity

Life is mysterious indeed, for how to know great companionship than through true solitude. 

Intimacy is short of a craving. It is human nature and a personality-driven desire longing for touch, camaraderie and mutually inclusive engagements. Yet there is a responsibility and consequence to companionship, one many may take for granted. How can one enter a new relationship or revitalize an existing relationship with emotional baggage from times past? Here is where solitude becomes a vital key in recovery. Man at times, refuses to acknowledge his past mistakes while moving impulsively on to his next impending error. There should be a committed time of relaxation, inner-peace and contemplation to allow for reflection. This reflective period will allow you the time to regain your own personal thoughts and perspectives while realigning your behavioral patterns to return to a state of balance. Lack of solitude may be contrary to maintaining and sustaining long term commitments if we refuse a chance to recommit ourselves back to ourselves. Back to our personal goals, spiritual task, daily responsibilities and total well-being. Without a recovery period from past wounds how can one asses what truly went wrong or where we miscalculated? Surely every failure can not be at the hand nor blame of others ALL the time. Our arrogance and denial are not so heavy that we can see nor admit to no weaknesses or faults? In every battle there are two opponents with two objectives, goals and points of view, acceptance of our part helps to douse the fire that strengthens the flames that separate us. For you can not be assured that your way is always the correct way at any and every given moment. 

Solitude, the period, state or situation of being alone, is the time where we can no longer run from ourselves. Where we face our inner demons and resolve to come to terms with them. We vow to no longer allow them to haunt nor control our thoughts, speech, emotions and our fragile mind. We as a collective are influenced by so many outside distractions it is difficult to know our true thoughts and feelings, if we have any at all. Some of us are not feeling anything any longer as we become numb to human plight and destruction. Desensitized by what we see, what we know as unreal, what we deem as agendas or propaganda that influences the true reality of ALL THINGS! Solitude clears the mind, wipes the slate clear and allows us to focus on what is priority. Be grateful for solitude that period where the mind sits quiet ready to receive impressions from your higher self. This is how we discern our next move and figure out a new life path. This can not be created out of old scars unhealed and still swore,  unless the old is rectified and delved into with cleansing, clarity, acceptance and with a new agenda..

Solitude is where the work is to be done, it is how the work begins and it is where the past is reconciled. So Stop, reflect, recover and heal in order to begin the path anew!

Monday, July 20, 2015

Far Way from Lost...

I have come to realize in my short walk of life thus far, when I am far from writing, this means not that I lack deep thought or orderly words that convey purpose or meaning. When I do not write it does not imply disinterest, it speaks more to the idea of relevance. Are the thoughts relevant or simply an opinionated, intrusive hodgepodge of flashing reflections?  Many of us have passing opinions, ideals and concerns but are they critical to mass up-liftment, to they add to your existence or the greater good? Thoughts like: Is racism truly a crippling phenomena that keeps minds enslaved in the illusion of separation, how critical is it to human evolution and growth? What do we do with these unanswered questions? The mind has many wandering and pointless memories and cognition that are jumbled distractions, disorganized and emotional. These emotions carry latent fears, insecurities and hatreds of old that impede forward and innovative processes.


Do the keys to our destiny lie within, if so how do we retrieve them? Surely we must be able to unlock them if they remain inside, latent and undisturbed? What is necessary in order to re-vive them from dormancy into our everyday lives? Silence is surely a tool, in order to hear the quiet voice inside. As well as the need to move out the old to make way and prepare for the new. If our center becomes still, unmoved by our daily irritations, worry and mind-chatter, we can, over a short period unlock keys sleeping inside. If the things we do today, affect our tomorrows we must correct our speech, behaviors and actions of the present. We must STOP the current hindering behavior and think and act in accord to our highest principles even if they are not the popular trend. Through the act of our will (the point of tension inside determined to break through obstacles, crushing setbacks) we can create a more productive and functioning life within a two year period.

We must remain vigilant to opportunities, open and receptive to inner prompts called illuminations from the Divine. Through meditation and centering of self we can move with a more synchronized flow of smaller into greater abundance of life. More energy, a drive to work towards optimum health, greater peace in thinking, action and lifestyle, purposeful goal orientation and drama-free relationships. Sound unrealistic, well it is not and I am living proof of that process, cycle and outcome, we can expound on this at a later date, but for now Trust Me!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Moving towards Dvine Wealth (Aristocracy): The Ugliest

Moving towards Dvine Wealth (Aristocracy): The Ugliest: For so long in man and women's history there has been chastisement and retribution for sin. Far too long has women worn the torn garment...

The Ugliest

For so long in man and women's history there has been chastisement and retribution for sin. Far too long has women worn the torn garment of karmic shame in human existence. Guilty of some yet under the tyranny of patriarchal dominance, insecurity and conquest for untold centuries. There is one trait, even in today's time, that rears it's ugliest head and continued malicious intent. As women we must take responsibility to eradicate such darkness that lives and festers inside of us. Today's written focus will converge in the throat center, vocals and speech will be our undertaking.

Our ugliest trait lies in our ability to cut, brutalize and destroy a character through the means of GOSSIP! Gossip is defeating and persecuting, filled with envy, evil intent and jealousy that always returns to its sender in abundance. When will we learn that verbal persecution we endure is almost assuredly the result of forgotten past gossip and sinister song against others. Whether it be back to a sender or initiated by your own tongue, its return is imminent. It may be recompensed from an even more unexpected or trusted source. The most painful gossip endured is from unsuspecting loved ones, this is the retribution of malicious speech against others.

Negative energy has a genuine force and pressure, as all energy possesses, yet negativity is more dense and causes  damage especially to the etheric subtle body (or aura) of man. Light energy is filled with love, genteel, it embraces and blankets with comfort. While negative energy holds you down, penetrates and molest as it attempts to suffocate and steal you of your most "prized possession on earth", your soul-light and divine succor. When you are in a space, especially individual's housed in Light, amongst someone, something or someplace that stores negativity... you can immediately sense its presence even if its face is adorned with beauty and luster. You can sense it lurking, heavy, impure and unclean. There is a cosmic repulsion and attraction between the two, for this is the Law.

Ladies bring ease and comfort to your being, home and relationships, refrain from disseminating and sharing strong, opinionated beliefs or anger about others, friends and the loved, silence is the Savior!

In Love with the Feminine Embrace....


Thursday, May 7, 2015

The Truth...

Very simple:

When you initiate analysis of "self" truthfully (and witness both positive and negative)
...herein lies an enlightenment.....

Once you begin to intuit and feel truth...
You begin to like truth ( painful and/or illuminating)...
Which leads you to Desire truth...
Then you start to Love truth...

Then you begin to see (perceive and observe) truth...
Then you start to seek truth....
Then you begin to Follow Truth...

Where you begin to contemplate and meditate in truth...
Which leads you to know and think in truth...
Then you begin to Speak in truth... 
(Void of or without exaggeration, blame, self-pity or bias and filled with an open heart and mind)...

For truth without Love and Wisdom are Not truth at All...

Then you become disciplined in truth...
Where you are initiated into truth
Then you begin to Live and Become Sustained in truth...

As One moves to Be One with truth...
You Become the Way of and  the Road To truth...
Til finally you Are truth...

Follow the Path of Truth...

For this Truth shall set you Free,

Free of ignorance of The Source of Truth!

Living in One Light as One Group Soul,


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Repairing the Damage

There is a Fear that resides in me, scared of the silence.

Unnerved by the stillness and call of the Here and Now.

Constantly does the Ego wish for and clamor about seeking desires, comforts and ease of living, ambitions and endless needs met. 

Ever moving outward, forward and away from that quiet just as it runs from consequence, responsibility and accountability. 

What is it in the Silence I fear?

What will I become in that Silence?

What truly is Silence, Void or "Nothingness", will it consume me?

The me that I have created for years, that I have come to rely on, the one who has tricked, lead astray and misguided for so long? Is this a struggle between the release of my self and the approach of the One true Self?

This inner battle releases tension, where I recognize fears, insecurities and doubts, so old, molded/putrid and ancient.

Surely it must be a calming, protective, nurturing state of Pure Light & Pure Love. 
So why run? Why not embrace?
Yet there is an apprehension that plagues me, screaming that life will pass me by in that state of stillness. 

This inertia will consume me and allow me to move no further, go no deeper and feel no freedom.
I will remain at rest, left alone, a mental Death.
Dead in my physical while my mental wanders restlessly about.

Yes, there resides in me an unease of being vulnerable, unprotected and without a self created 
safety-net. Throwing myself into the abyss at my own accord, jumping in even. 
Left adrift, floating in a sea of "Nothingness" to become nothingness.

I fear this Step on the Path, yet it is the only true release, only freedom awaits where true life begins!

Free of blinders, Maya and Illusion of Glamour, false pretense and self-focused existence.

I Fear.....

But Here Goes.....

Step by Step....I tread the Path Alone..as one with One...

I shed..

In Love with Light,


Inner Revolution

There is much racial tension stirred in the collective of the United States today, and sadly since America's inauguration. The hidden and not so hidden tension of the races in this country can no longer go unresolved and unattended to. For the last few weeks in Baltimore, Maryland, protest has ensued and justifiably so, this is not an acceptance of violence but an understanding of frustration. When the oppressed reject long held oppressive tactics of inequality, improper distribution of resources and injustice, typically violence is the result. Molten latent and repressed lava or hatred lie dormant in the gut for many generations manifesting rage and backlash. This toxin branches throughout the body in disease form until it colors the entire life of the oppressed. Hatred results in a form of psychosis (psychological disruptions), lethargy (sapping the energy), and the inability to love in depth. This is all illusion birthed out of blindness and ignorance to Divine Law, creating seperativeness which is.... against Divine Law. That is why hatred is a force in opposition to the Light, it creates separation and darkness in the heart follows.

 It grows until the body is completely VOID of Light.  

Yet this is not simply an America epidemic, it is a human nature that has doomed mankind since its inception. One that only conscious evolution can stimulate and awaken man from illusion, bestowing freedom from that darkness. Symptoms of awakening are unity consciousness, were the nation of man recognizes the lies that one is superior to the inferior, the have versing the have not's, the dominant abusing the weak emanating as one pitted against the other. Symptoms show the sleeping one, the implausibility of these truths, technology and travel opens us to the ability to witness unjustifiable international disparities (imbalance) deprived of propaganda. Where we travel abroad and breath in the immense disproportionate distribution of wealth and atrocious poverty. These faulty systemic and ideological beliefs can no longer be sustained to our own ability to perceive truth. Is this not the case? 

This is not an agenda of revolution for nor against any mission of political or religious oppressive tactic, system or regime. This is an admonition (act of warning) for the revolution and evolutionary awakening to the masses in a plea to rise from your slumber and take up arms against your own ignorance. To slay the beast that resides inside, robbing you of the keys to be released, trapping and keeping you prisoner as you move along at a snails pace. This is time for the Light, take up your shield and your arms and fight for your life!  

Always in Love with The One,


Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Time and Change are Synonymous

You can not posses one without the other.

When you return to your old neighborhood and witness debilitation of buildings and chaos in the streets for time has surely left its mark. Conversely, as you drive through in reminiscence and gaze upon the beauty of the flowers and glorious colors of change  that once were not present, so time too has brought with it change. There is no need to have an aversion or hatred for things past for time is to be welcomed and embraced.

Fear not the changes of the body for they hold the signs of a closeness for the return to the Creator Source, a transition unavoidable, for such is Cosmic Law. Acceptance and tolerance of things to come are a beautiful mystery and gift of life. Invite change and all its wonder and expressions, greet and meet it at the door in delightful anticipation. Waiting and welcoming with a grand smile and childish amazement. For time waits for no man as Winter concerns itself not for your preparedness, better to be welcoming than mourning and complaining!

Love of The One,


Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Wish for Hard Times

I ask in the name of the Divine: Please do not shield me from hard times. 
Give me more challenges and open me to obstacles.

Why, you ask, do I summon for these things, dear Friend? 

So that the strain and stress may be lifted off of the weary. 
So that the burdens too hard to bear be lifted from the poor, the tired and the suffering ones. 

So is it I who do not suffer?

No, I too suffer, but it is I who embraces the burden.

I no longer run from things difficult,
I embrace all challenges destined on my Path,
I rest NOT and toil and toil more for our release of despair.

My obstacles enrich me, they instill fearlessness & courage.

I will rise to the summits of Mt. Everest, so that you may know the joy.

If I must see someone bound by suffering, let it be me, oh Lord!

Because I have faith in things to come from here to the hereafter.
I wish not easier days, I hope not for infinite wealth, I care not for priceless possessions and grandioseness. 

Wish not for all days of ease and pleasures of life, for what is a life of untold desires fulfilled?
All wants fulfilled, can this be truly the ultimate goal of Divine existence? Where then is strength seen, how would we know out true capabilities if no challenges present themselves. Where would our faith, passions and loyalty be focused?

Ask for, nah beg for struggles, for when the rewards come (and they will) you will have already embraced the difficulty, overcome the challenges  thus appreciating more the victory. 

"Know that the seeds of victory lie within the struggle, 

while the toils to overcome,

waters and nurtures it 

into a Mighty Oak".-TMG

Monday, January 19, 2015

In the Shadows...

In the shadows of life there lies a darkness of negative influences. Lurking, stealing and draining our divine right to true prosperity and peace. We may call this; negative thinking, energy vampires (be they our friends, family, children, co-workers etc..) or out-molded beliefs and behaviors that lead to unexpected consequences. Dare we acknowledge them or do we intentionally deny their existence?    
     Only you know the answer to this. If we just for the moment bring them to the surface and call them out, these influences can help us clear away dead dross of our lives. These impressions cloud our judgments and shroud the way we perceive the world we live in. Our subconscious perception of ourselves can be rather cruel and condescending especially when we put effort forth towards our goals. If one is in a state of perpetual anxiety towards pursuing their true heart’s desire, whether career, entrepreneurial, travel etc., a negative self- image dissuades one from taking steps towards its completion. Abundance, prosperity and inner peace are our divine birthright. When we allow the misguided actions and behaviors of others determine our responses and reactions we close that window to prosperity and abundance. By incorrectly responding to certain stimulus inappropriately, we give it power to take residence up in our minds, bodies and life.

     This stimulus ultimately decreases the amount of vitality/energy needed to progress upon the path. A shield of confidence can be created by accomplishing even the most rudimentary daily task while never losing sight of our long-term objectives. Life is comprised of simple small beauties and fulfillment's that nurture and nourish us. Let us consistently look out for natural genuine lasting happiness.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Building Character

When we make the conscious decision to build our character with a more refined sense of values and morale we begin to take on a better quality of thoughts, feelings and behaviors. After years of building a crude and hardened personality from the challenges and struggles of life,  this refinement takes a lot more time, effort and energy to cultivate. Like scrubbing scum off an old tub neglected for years in an abandoned old house, takes much back breaking effort. Character is our present state of patterns that represent our individual and personal habits and attitudes. Character can be considered the basis of our actions in the home and within society.

These patterns of thoughts, feelings, and actions reach a standard which reflects our self (good or bad), and it shows us who we are and how we are perceived by the world. To build character means to refine and correct our patterns of mental, emotional and physical behaviors that allow us to become assets to others in the world instead of liabilities. The one who decides to walk the Path of Conscious Self-Improvement takes on a great deal of personal responsibility. Because the uncontrolled mind is largely controlled by desire we must consciously make an intention to live more along the line of Self-Improvement.

In the initial stages we will begin to take note of our deficiencies and lacks, realizing imbalances that must be corrected. This is the process of self-observation followed by attempts at self-control. We discover what is missing in our nature and attempt to resolve our weaknesses and make them stronger, better. True self-assessment is a requirement as we observe that discipline and strong will are the real solution. Progress in our personal development calls for a re-orientation ("repentance"), a turning back or turning into a new direction.  We need only correct or re-train our ingrained bad habits and attitudes, that require us to consciously build in virtues towards our advancement. These virtues are clearly not yet present and need to be studied, mimicked and ingrained daily through virtuous habit-forming behaviors.

A wise one must remember that one tries & fails,
tries & fails,
but always tries again!



The Tibetan Master

"Sow Thought & Reap an Action; 

Sow an Action & Reap a Habit;

Sow A Habit & Reap Character;

Sow Character & Reap Destiny"

-Master DK

photo credit: Austin Yoder via photopin cc

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Self Esteem...Where is it?

Not many humans alive have been void of dealing with feelings of insecurity, self-doubt and low self esteem at some point in their lives. No matter there origins they have been there, and may still be there yet lucky for us they can be eradicated for good. When self-doubt plagues the mind the body almost always responds with in-action, rendering it motionless. This inability to react leaves the form stagnant, allowing daily responsibilities to pile up suffocating the person within a cave of darkness and depression. This is where the negative shadow side of the mind has paralyzed us into believing it is incapable of taking action.

The mind thus creates a perception full of images of phony failures, unreal blockages and and false setbacks, whether blocks are real or perceived perseverance is the ONLY solution. All leaders of success know life is fraught with failures, setbacks and obstacles that must be overcome.

“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.” 

"Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly"
- Robert F. Kennedy

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts"- Winston Churchill 

"with a little bite"
Struggles are simply the things we wish to avoid, the thing that makes us uncomfortable too weakened to face. Yet I ask you this which true coffee drinker wishes their coffee to be lukewarm? Coffee connoisseurs love a hot cup, with steam and a little bite in order to savor the true essence which makes the coffee more enjoyable. Like the hot cup of coffee you can not have life without a little bite in order to sense its true essence and know enjoyment. The jumping of hurdles of life make you wise, arm you for the future while strengthening your feelings of self worth. 

The secret solution to magnetized self esteem lies in the accomplishment of simple daily task. The feeling one receives from completing task necessary each day gives one the sense of fulfillment, peace and achievement.  Causing one to initiate newer, bigger and even heavier task. The more solid the foundation you lay in creating and completing responsibilities, the stronger your castle is to weather the storms. The goals to come become more noble, loftier in responsibility and offer a more plentiful, practical and stabilizing reward. When we avoid daily task, they pile up trapping us in a cavern of despair where the only escape is to take on one task piece by piece. Decreasing our load increases our self worth.

Begin today..one task at a time,

In Honor & Admiration.



Thursday, January 1, 2015

Resolve to Loose the Resolution...

Because Resolutions have become so cliche in modern American New Year's customs so has the actions behind them become abated and slowed. When the conversation is had: "So what's your New Year's resolution", the cliche reply is typically "Quit smoking, loose weight, stop cursing...". All noble and admirable issues to contend with , yet the mere superficiality in the response speaks to the amount of energy the individual places on his resolution. This... advertisers, marketing and big business know so well as studies have shown that the average resolution dissipates in two weeks.

The truth is one must resolve to dedicate himself to something much deeper than that, one must resolve to take an oath at creating a healthier lifestyle and environment throughout the year of 2015! When you are focused first on the specifics/details the momentum rushes up (gyms are flooded) and quickly dies out, creating a pressure for the personality that causes it to rebel. Yet when you resolve to change the lifestyle habits and behaviors foremost then all things healthier will be the mission. If you resolve to "quit smoking", that is on the agenda for the entire year but not to place undue pressure on the mind that will rebel while quickly the intention fizzles out.

Placing increased pressure on oneself towards only one detail ruins the momentum needed to create a sustained balance to the entire objective. The details are needed in order to keep a consistent pace and plan throughout the course of the year but it must NOT be a mere pie in the sky that quickly plummets to the earth. Build a steady momentum, a steady strategized increase in energy towards an overall change in thinking, habit and behavior. Resolution takes a holistic view of the whole broken into the many parts and the parts broken down even further into daily task.

Once we map the new lifestyle we are resolving to create and commit to then a change in the mindset seeps in (seed planted) followed by alterations subtly in the behavior. We first decide to quit smoking, we make ask our family physician of a course to take (letting someone who can be of real assistance to achieving our task, they can also hold us accountable). We then take the needed steps, while increasing our daily exercise regimen to balance the changes happening in our body and environment. Make sense?  One mere solution to our entire resolution is not enough. In conclusion an overall agenda for the New Year is needed, a break down of plans are required and an execution of will is the final stage.

Try it & you will surely see results at the end of the year....dedication is key! 

