Sunday, December 27, 2015

Not religious...but Spiritual

What does this mantra mean to you? Yet for modern man, especially the young American this is his personal cry. Does this imply something better than or worse than? I too have been guilty of asserting the same idea and with it the confusion that it conveys. There is an uncertainty and  weakness in this thinking. What was I really saying, what was the story behind this perception?  At first I knew is was that I stood against one thing and was for another. I also knew that it meant I was not longer held to certain traditional standards. I no longer held beliefs that I did as a child or that others in a particular group believed. But I also knew that I still believed in prophets, messages and teachings from more than one source. Was that a good thing? Was that a bad thing...should I only believe in one prophet and one message, what if there were truths that ring true in many different teachings?

Should I need to convert to Islam, Taoism or Buddhism but this would be too confusing? And I can not make my own religion of pieces of the ones that fit my agenda, could I? The answer is NO …. this would lead me nowhere. As we find that things are changing, times are changing, perceptions are changing why should mine not? The discovery and beginning of my search would need to begin. But where? One must seek in silence the knowledge required to open the gates of truth. Here is my suggestion to the neophyte (new student) dealing with a similar situation. Go to a local bookstore or even online but I suggest the store as it holds many mysteries the older it is. Go to the section of the store where the dust has settled, past the novels and literature most common to today’s reader. For what you seek is not advertised in the storefront it is away from the common traveler. For what you seek lies in the metaphysical section, esoterics, spiritual or the occult, hidden away from the fast paced society of the day. It is an ancient wisdom that has been there all along awaiting your readiness and awakening to the prompts of your soul. It is where Spirit lies dormant guiding you back to the Source.

Treasures are everywhere~TMG
Find the treasures in the book that speaks to the soul, purchase it and allow the wisdom to resonate with you, enchant your senses, open your mind and stir intrigue. At it’s inception your mind may resist but persist. You may feel the urge to sleep, reject or debate its validity but press on and continue to listen to the story that it is conveying whether you believe or not, at best it is simply knowledge. If it is not for you then “Begin again ...begin again...begin again”. Seek further into other knowledge you  must penetrate deeper….Over and Over you must seek until you find.

Til we speak again my Friend,


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