It grows until the body is completely VOID of Light.
Yet this is not simply an America epidemic, it is a human nature that has doomed mankind since its inception. One that only conscious evolution can stimulate and awaken man from illusion, bestowing freedom from that darkness. Symptoms of awakening are unity consciousness, were the nation of man recognizes the lies that one is superior to the inferior, the have versing the have not's, the dominant abusing the weak emanating as one pitted against the other. Symptoms show the sleeping one, the implausibility of these truths, technology and travel opens us to the ability to witness unjustifiable international disparities (imbalance) deprived of propaganda. Where we travel abroad and breath in the immense disproportionate distribution of wealth and atrocious poverty. These faulty systemic and ideological beliefs can no longer be sustained to our own ability to perceive truth. Is this not the case?
This is not an agenda of revolution for nor against any mission of political or religious oppressive tactic, system or regime. This is an admonition (act of warning) for the revolution and evolutionary awakening to the masses in a plea to rise from your slumber and take up arms against your own ignorance. To slay the beast that resides inside, robbing you of the keys to be released, trapping and keeping you prisoner as you move along at a snails pace. This is time for the Light, take up your shield and your arms and fight for your life!
Always in Love with The One,
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