Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Sacred Mystery...or Not?

    There is an ancient premise in esoteric teachings (teachings or revelation hidden from the masses of men not able to handle its truth) that the time that we live in is a prophesied age. An age that was written in legend and in lore delivered by the wisest of the time. Telling us of the glory and doom of the day in which we all can attest too. A time where we witness man coming together in a brotherhood of consciousness declaring the ills of the time as unjust and unlawful. A time of human trafficking, corporate massive corruption and charlatan millionaire mega-churches spreading spiritual disease and false hopes.
    One would proclaim that this is truly a critical time of change and movement consequence of blind ignorance of a time long since past. Lore states that because this is such a magnificent time to be on this planet, we as human beings have a great burden and mission to uphold, All are included! No one is exempt from their responsibility to the earth's trembles and cries, whether you choose to obey or ignore. Due to such an enormous obligation, it was said that we as souls prior to incarnation were well versed in the monumental importance of such a time. In order for each soul to gain passage onto the precious blue planet an awe inspiring petition was to be given before the ceremonial altar of the "Karmic Board". These are the impersonal entities in charge of dispensing and creating and ageless cosmic balance throughout all existence.
    The tale goes on to describe a  challenge is between three grouped souls each accompanied and sponsored by two separate masters, gods or angels (whichever you choose to understand) stand before the alter with a grand testimony with the intention to come to earth to complete his scared and divine task. A noble and spectacular display the wise men of our planet describe this declaration to be. In light of the compelling declarations bestowed in the end their can only be one. That one (you) of the three receives privilege to incarnate onto this planet and manifest his/her path as a small inclusive part of the grand Divine Plan. As a free-willed, uninformed babe shroud in forgetfulness we inherently forget our task and mission, walking through life feeling incomplete, lost and in the dark. Possibly in the dark of our true calling and earthly intention, until a series of events (mostly catastrophic) occurs to shaken and awaken our soul into action and motivation towards divine light. Upward we reach while knees fallen to the ground and hands cradle our solemn faces soiled with tears. These are the times of the awakening, in the draining darkness we seek forth the illumined lights of higher things.
    So what do you think? Is such a tale of ancient wisdom as profound as it may be, just a fable or can it shine a glimmer of light upon our bleak and oft time misguided direction in life? Let me know!

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