Friday, February 7, 2014

A Theory in Love of Thyself...

Have you ever heard the saying "You need to love yourself first"?" I am certain you have, especially when you are at the tail end of a bad relationship or are about to commit the same atrocity in a new one. Family and friends are quick to intervene with that esoteric yet profound piece of advice. But what does that saying truly connote? What is the real meaning behind such a simple and commonplace expression?

I first think that if we must be reminded to love ourselves does that mean that by making poor decisions we indeed do Not love ourselves? In which state is an individual actively not truly loving themselves? Or is this expression the notion of not loving (hating) our physical or personal characteristics? Let us observe...

The understanding of this self-hatred must be deeper than mere physicality's and personalities and traits, must go beyond the flesh and bones of our existence. It must spring forth from latent memories of events, influence of family, friends and the world around us ranging from emotional and mental conceptions. Is the way we perceive and view ourselves solely based on the impressions from others? Surely self-love is deeper than this...

Which brings me to the next question of a deeper self-love, what is the "self?" Some postulate that the nature of the true self is an inner, obscure entity that dwells within us that connects man and that which individual man encompasses. This connection includes his body, personality, emotional and mental composition interwoven within his divinity or spirit/soul. This connection is true and inseparable until the time of death where his spirit nature is transformed into something more eternal and everlasting.  Brining us back to the first condition of the love for one's self equates to the knowledge one possess of the composition of one's "true self".  This is one possible argument...

With this base understanding we are brought to the ancient Delphic oracle warning of "Man, Know Thyself." This maxim is the preliminary guidance towards loving thyself, man must first know the composition of himself in order to understand and accept himself thus loving and appreciated himself. When this is done he wills himself to transform (alchemy) his nature into something more harmonious and purified (Philosopher's Stone). Including the choices he makes and the company he keeps, causing him to live in sync with his true nature and the nature of a cleaner environment (mentally, physically, spiritually and most importantly emotionally).

Now we may access a clear vision and the process necessary to begin the journey of self-discovery of knowing and consequently loving thyself...

In prosperity and abundance for All...

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