Wednesday, February 19, 2014

A change in Direction--->

    Around this time of year New Year's resolutions tend to wane and complacency again set's in. Setting us up for another year of failure to fulfill our goals. These unresolved and uninitiated ambitions drain our willpower decreasing the small steps needed for more major lifestyle changes. Which is what most of us truly want. Yes, resolutions are essential in that they offer us an exact start date for the initiation of the desired goal. Yet I resolve that a life style change or change in direction is not something one can simply start due to a particular collective occasion. In fact the first thing to be considered with change is in the thinking.
     The actual thought of the desired outcome and the obstacles preventing that change from taking place are to be pondered. The perpetual problem with the New Year's resolution ideal is that not much time is taken to meditate on the true desired outcome and the serious obstacles. Contemplate this, if one is to truly consider a small step in progress one would need to mull over the issue for a couple of months in quiet contemplation. Remember this is separate too worry or a sense of frantic  persistent thoughts (driving you mad). Contemplation may be done quietly in the shower, driving in the car or right before we dose off to sleep. With the New Year's resolution this can not be done, for the first three months before the new year is the most hectic time of the year for most. Beginning with the September month for anyone one in school or preparing children for school this creates a dilemma of gathering in readiness for study to begin. Then the fall brings the time of harvest and battening down the hatches for the winter season and the Halloween occasion. We prepare for the feast of Thanksgiving with family, friends and possible travel.  Then we are in crunch time for the rat race of the holiday season only to be given a break right after the New Year begins. When do we have time for quiet contemplation for our personal goals, aspirations and advancements?
     By its very nature the New Year's resolution is doomed to statistical failure. Sure some do stick with it and truly make progress but more likely those don't need an occasion or predetermined start date. When the will is strong nothing can deter or hinder the progress of a moving mountain. Even setbacks are patiently awaited through until the right time is present to evasively maneuver for a more suitable time to strike, even if small advances are made.

    My friends change in direction takes change in perception the way that you are looking at yourself, others, your situation and your new you. Once you see the situation for the truthfully (the full truth)way it is change will come whether you want it or not. Change by-passes us only when we remain wandering in the illusion that there is no need for change or when we are stuck in a belief that we are just not ready to let go of. When we take full responsibility for the lives that we create, for the misery that we contain and the damage that we cause to self and others an altered existence can not by its nature be resisted. That is when change must come and must lead us to something more grand than the meager existence and presence we live in. Either we create change by the change in our thoughts or unexpected and unwanted change will enter and sweep the old away ready or Not...

Till we speak again,

In the utmost respect and compassion,

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