Thursday, February 27, 2014


   If we are to believe in expansion of consciousness, we must consider the idea that the mind's perception (or what it thinks it believes) has the ability to grow or expand outwards (or upwards) towards some "thing".
Reaching levels beyond one's current comprehension reflects the notion behind conscious expansion. This must offer one the ability to cognitively reach towards higher concepts or form of thinking that shatters belief systems we dwell in. These beliefs systems (personally and collectively) are made up of what we think, remember, feel and conceive to be truths that we live by. Yet what does it expend towards or for that matter away from? And how can we become aware that this shattering is taking place, how will we know that this is what is occurring? There is obviously a lower form of thinking verses a higher, of this we can not contend with. When we compare our meager understanding of Quantum Physics with the theories of Albert Einstein we clearly can discern the difference, is this not the case? But this is the extreme and we are not all ignoramus because we have little scientific understanding of the way the universe coalesces around and within us.
    As humorous as it seems majority of us would concede that we are higher level functioning rather than lower level. Is this the case? Maybe intelligence in a specialized area of our career does not make us higher level functioning individuals? Maybe academic and advanced degree status is not a requirement either? I am certain some of out most brilliant minds in human history, recognized or unrecognized, throughout all culture and all ages have bypassed traditional scholarly academia. Though throughout our time many a knowledgeable man has walked the adorned halls of higher education with great treasures to share with the world. So this may or may not be a necessity.
    Does the expansion into higher level of functioning offer the ability to manage greater task in daily life?  Do we unfold and unravel into higher realms or worlds previously unknown and unchartered? Does this offer us the ability to understand greater truths and discern greater wisdoms and illuminations? Do we possess a clearer knowing and comprehension of life's struggles and obstacles? Leaving us with the impetus to gleam the shimmer of gold/lessons in each failure we overcome.
    Is this an awakening....?
    Is this the process of awakening of the mind, awakening to the fact of this expansion? When we acknowledge our ability to individually and collectively arouse the fire of mind (illumine) beyond current capabilities to awaken as a baby taking it's first breath. Let us consider:
  • Lower level functioning mind: controlled by negative thinking and speech, unstable moods and temperaments, gossip and maliciousness, irritation and frustration, aggression etc... 
  • Higher level functioning mind: striving towards more compassion and love, unconditional service to humanity in sensible charity and donation of time and resources, truth and honesty to self and others, harmlessness and purity of living, peace in self and environment etc...
Something to consider,
Your friend!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Repost: Unraveling of a plan

***I decided to revisit this post not only because it seems to have been so helpful but I also agree it warrants much consideration. ***

As I was in the park swinging rigorously on the swing,  consulting my Self what the next blog was to reflect. It came to me to write on how one retrieves solutions to pressing issues by deep reflection with Self. So I will share with you (in sequential Order) how this happens for me. In my darkest times enthralled  in chaos and confusion, I seek the inner silence.

  • I wait an listen for this eerie silence within...
  • I sit very focused and ask the question what is next for me...
  • Without worry and with out force I silently sit through the thunder and the rain..
  • throughout the days and nights I wait in anticipation without force for any sign, then I seek out resources: this maybe in the library, INTERNET,  book store, a wise man/woman, a book, magazine or sacred text. And in that researching, again without force, I sit in silence and ask what is that I am to see..
  • Then I search for words, phrases, sayings, quotes or symbols and then I search with my inner knowing believing that what I need is already there. I have been known to sit at the computer when prompted and just GOOGLE words and put them together until they make sense
  • Then like a cloud dissipating in the sky, I see its essence but not its form it is. 
  • After I find a word or phrase that feels right I try to put them together to make sense.
  • Example if I am looking for my next move as an entrepreneur and I gather the word "blog or write" 
  • "And I have been sensing I should write even though I know nothing of blogging. In my storm I have gatherd some sense of illumination!
  • Then for days I mull over the idea of a blog, I research blog, I see free blog and I realize I should write a blog.
  • Then my question in my silence becomes write about what, then of course the negative Self says you can't write, who will listen to you, you have no story to tell" I push through that and I press forward.
  • All the while the storm is passing and I feel the brighter days ahead. The storm just got a little easier  to bear and kicks in the saying "This too shall passing" 
  • And it is passing and now I have a light at the end of my tunnel through that storm I came out with a solution and the storm seemed more bearable.
  • In conclusion, I start an account, sit with my pen and pad, write a blog push the publish button and now have over 600 page views in 2 months.
This to me is having had tapped into my divine blueprint stored in my sacred DNA, my ability to write and my need to publish.  Something that I needed to do that was already inside of me. Something that I was meant to do to write, that makes me feel good and with considerable ease. It is not about the money from ads or the recognition but my ability to convey a message from the core of my being to another reader, wherever and whomever.  By the Way THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT Russia, Germany, Moldova, Netherlands, France, India, UK and of course the USA, I am ever so grateful from the core of my being. I hope this site is insightful!

 Thanks again for the visit,

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

A change in Direction--->

    Around this time of year New Year's resolutions tend to wane and complacency again set's in. Setting us up for another year of failure to fulfill our goals. These unresolved and uninitiated ambitions drain our willpower decreasing the small steps needed for more major lifestyle changes. Which is what most of us truly want. Yes, resolutions are essential in that they offer us an exact start date for the initiation of the desired goal. Yet I resolve that a life style change or change in direction is not something one can simply start due to a particular collective occasion. In fact the first thing to be considered with change is in the thinking.
     The actual thought of the desired outcome and the obstacles preventing that change from taking place are to be pondered. The perpetual problem with the New Year's resolution ideal is that not much time is taken to meditate on the true desired outcome and the serious obstacles. Contemplate this, if one is to truly consider a small step in progress one would need to mull over the issue for a couple of months in quiet contemplation. Remember this is separate too worry or a sense of frantic  persistent thoughts (driving you mad). Contemplation may be done quietly in the shower, driving in the car or right before we dose off to sleep. With the New Year's resolution this can not be done, for the first three months before the new year is the most hectic time of the year for most. Beginning with the September month for anyone one in school or preparing children for school this creates a dilemma of gathering in readiness for study to begin. Then the fall brings the time of harvest and battening down the hatches for the winter season and the Halloween occasion. We prepare for the feast of Thanksgiving with family, friends and possible travel.  Then we are in crunch time for the rat race of the holiday season only to be given a break right after the New Year begins. When do we have time for quiet contemplation for our personal goals, aspirations and advancements?
     By its very nature the New Year's resolution is doomed to statistical failure. Sure some do stick with it and truly make progress but more likely those don't need an occasion or predetermined start date. When the will is strong nothing can deter or hinder the progress of a moving mountain. Even setbacks are patiently awaited through until the right time is present to evasively maneuver for a more suitable time to strike, even if small advances are made.

    My friends change in direction takes change in perception the way that you are looking at yourself, others, your situation and your new you. Once you see the situation for the truthfully (the full truth)way it is change will come whether you want it or not. Change by-passes us only when we remain wandering in the illusion that there is no need for change or when we are stuck in a belief that we are just not ready to let go of. When we take full responsibility for the lives that we create, for the misery that we contain and the damage that we cause to self and others an altered existence can not by its nature be resisted. That is when change must come and must lead us to something more grand than the meager existence and presence we live in. Either we create change by the change in our thoughts or unexpected and unwanted change will enter and sweep the old away ready or Not...

Till we speak again,

In the utmost respect and compassion,

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Sacred Mystery...or Not?

    There is an ancient premise in esoteric teachings (teachings or revelation hidden from the masses of men not able to handle its truth) that the time that we live in is a prophesied age. An age that was written in legend and in lore delivered by the wisest of the time. Telling us of the glory and doom of the day in which we all can attest too. A time where we witness man coming together in a brotherhood of consciousness declaring the ills of the time as unjust and unlawful. A time of human trafficking, corporate massive corruption and charlatan millionaire mega-churches spreading spiritual disease and false hopes.
    One would proclaim that this is truly a critical time of change and movement consequence of blind ignorance of a time long since past. Lore states that because this is such a magnificent time to be on this planet, we as human beings have a great burden and mission to uphold, All are included! No one is exempt from their responsibility to the earth's trembles and cries, whether you choose to obey or ignore. Due to such an enormous obligation, it was said that we as souls prior to incarnation were well versed in the monumental importance of such a time. In order for each soul to gain passage onto the precious blue planet an awe inspiring petition was to be given before the ceremonial altar of the "Karmic Board". These are the impersonal entities in charge of dispensing and creating and ageless cosmic balance throughout all existence.
    The tale goes on to describe a  challenge is between three grouped souls each accompanied and sponsored by two separate masters, gods or angels (whichever you choose to understand) stand before the alter with a grand testimony with the intention to come to earth to complete his scared and divine task. A noble and spectacular display the wise men of our planet describe this declaration to be. In light of the compelling declarations bestowed in the end their can only be one. That one (you) of the three receives privilege to incarnate onto this planet and manifest his/her path as a small inclusive part of the grand Divine Plan. As a free-willed, uninformed babe shroud in forgetfulness we inherently forget our task and mission, walking through life feeling incomplete, lost and in the dark. Possibly in the dark of our true calling and earthly intention, until a series of events (mostly catastrophic) occurs to shaken and awaken our soul into action and motivation towards divine light. Upward we reach while knees fallen to the ground and hands cradle our solemn faces soiled with tears. These are the times of the awakening, in the draining darkness we seek forth the illumined lights of higher things.
    So what do you think? Is such a tale of ancient wisdom as profound as it may be, just a fable or can it shine a glimmer of light upon our bleak and oft time misguided direction in life? Let me know!

Friday, February 7, 2014

A Theory in Love of Thyself...

Have you ever heard the saying "You need to love yourself first"?" I am certain you have, especially when you are at the tail end of a bad relationship or are about to commit the same atrocity in a new one. Family and friends are quick to intervene with that esoteric yet profound piece of advice. But what does that saying truly connote? What is the real meaning behind such a simple and commonplace expression?

I first think that if we must be reminded to love ourselves does that mean that by making poor decisions we indeed do Not love ourselves? In which state is an individual actively not truly loving themselves? Or is this expression the notion of not loving (hating) our physical or personal characteristics? Let us observe...

The understanding of this self-hatred must be deeper than mere physicality's and personalities and traits, must go beyond the flesh and bones of our existence. It must spring forth from latent memories of events, influence of family, friends and the world around us ranging from emotional and mental conceptions. Is the way we perceive and view ourselves solely based on the impressions from others? Surely self-love is deeper than this...

Which brings me to the next question of a deeper self-love, what is the "self?" Some postulate that the nature of the true self is an inner, obscure entity that dwells within us that connects man and that which individual man encompasses. This connection includes his body, personality, emotional and mental composition interwoven within his divinity or spirit/soul. This connection is true and inseparable until the time of death where his spirit nature is transformed into something more eternal and everlasting.  Brining us back to the first condition of the love for one's self equates to the knowledge one possess of the composition of one's "true self".  This is one possible argument...

With this base understanding we are brought to the ancient Delphic oracle warning of "Man, Know Thyself." This maxim is the preliminary guidance towards loving thyself, man must first know the composition of himself in order to understand and accept himself thus loving and appreciated himself. When this is done he wills himself to transform (alchemy) his nature into something more harmonious and purified (Philosopher's Stone). Including the choices he makes and the company he keeps, causing him to live in sync with his true nature and the nature of a cleaner environment (mentally, physically, spiritually and most importantly emotionally).

Now we may access a clear vision and the process necessary to begin the journey of self-discovery of knowing and consequently loving thyself...

In prosperity and abundance for All...

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Next Steps...

    After having been through a brutal storm or some form of life altering episode what is the Next Step?

What is the next phase in one's life?

How has your perception changed in order that may have gained a more complete understanding of your existence from lessons learned?

First it is important to maintain a state of calm where regrouping can take place in order to evaluate. The evaluation of past, present and future truths must be considered in the "safe state".  Peering into your past in order to find and mentally correct mistakes and missteps, where forgiveness of self and others is the major key. The present truth is to remain in the harmonious state of "NOW" where there is only acceptance, appreciation and gratitude. Being still in this place is essential to survival of mini post-traumatic events that scar psychologically or mentally, crushing the self-esteem and self-worth. In this place we must plan for a more suitable and sustainable life direction for the future. With the wisdom gained from then up to now we can better understand the added dimensions now manifest in our lives. This clear understanding will offer guidance as to where we are headed and courage to take on future challenges. The Next Step is crucial on our path to recovery and redemption!

We as a creative centerpiece in our own personal universe, must consistently authenticate and re-evaluate our mission towards becoming our natural selves. The one capable of making well-informed choices with perfected outcomes that line our path with greener pastures to be able to graze upon. The fruits of your labors (forgiveness) will be not in vain when we have cleared the weeds (misguided thinking) from our thinking, speech and memory. Forgiveness of self and others is critical to living in harmony with the environment that surrounds us. Breaking the chains that bind us to a past full of pain (change) can be completed by entering the source of harmful conditions with courage.

Next we must strengthen the broken links of our past that cause distorted and cracked visual lens causing blindness and illusion to our true identity.  Broken lens create distorted perceptions that chain and bind us to those events even in the future, when not bravely faced. Those events drain and rob us of our present state of joy while creating an image of a bleak tomorrow. This may cause us to never truly know, honor or strive towards our true potential. Does this make some sense?

If we are to amass the courage and will to tackle our future aspirations chains from our past must not only be broken, bound with a stronger light and love in our lives but most importantly faced and forgiven. With illusions turned to wisdom and fear to courage the will to advance into the unknown is the Next Step. Take the plunge...

I complete adoration,
