Welcome to a place of self-discovery and seeking... Out of darkness challenges you to look beyond your normal perspective and reach towards Dvine Aristocracy! Dvine Aristocracy being our original birthright as spiritual nobility that inhabits this magestic planet as stewards. So together we can collectively assist eah other in our awakening to this truth.
Sunday, December 11, 2016
Sunday, October 9, 2016
State of OUR world!
AZ Quotes: picture |
With the state of the world, what should be our personal focus? Should our focus be the law of self-preservation and fanatically continue our attention towards ourselves? Should we stand for a cause and lend our voice and hand? Should we turn a blinds eyes as we commit to a stance of that being “not my problem”?
Each man can and will adhere to his own personal beliefs and survival techniques. He will always attempt by nature to preserve himself and perpetuate his species. But to its fanatical end, is our most pressing issue. Man denying brotherhood and oneness is the concern of the species at present. Man can no longer remain deaf to the cry’s sounded in the night. He can no longer turn a blind eye to the oppression, hatred, and strife surrounding his small quieted world. Or can he? And how has this worked for him thus far?
It is natural for man to surround himself with things that bring him much comfort. Those things that displease him he simply builds a wall against, or changes the channel. He may, if he feels an inclination of concern, offer some small cliche that makes him rest with ease at night. “Things will get better or one day at a time”. He may formulate denial and say things aren’t that bad or may even resort to blame and make the victim out to be the culprit. These are all delusions and forms of psychological defense that help the mind go on about its daily business.
Still forget not that the conscious mind stores things in its subconscious dwelling space, things to heinous and hideous to deal with. So please understand that when there is despair in the world and when the darkness “seeming” overshadows the light, and when there stands many oppressed.. We are all oppressed. Please understand that deep inside there is surely unrest of the soul and tension in the mind (whether conscious or unconscious) this is what connects us all. Though our mind may be too weak deal with the pressures of the world our heart is still heavy with dread. We are all connected and until this fact is known and lived, disease of the mind, attack of the heavy heart and sickness of the world will be its result.
It is your choice the commitment you choose to make, make it a good one that will release you from your burdened “subconscious” prison.
We will remain as ever ONE!
Sunday, May 29, 2016
a translation
WB Yeats' translation of the Isha Upanishad begins,
"All is perfect, so perfectly perfect!
Whatever being lives, moves
And Breathes on Earth
At every level from atom to Galaxy
Is absolutely perfect in its place.
Precise and choreographed
Because "That" flows from the
Glory of God,
The Lord,
The Self,
The Source,
Peace and Love,
And is therefore perfect.
When you have surrendered your ego to "That"
You will find true happiness.
Never ever envy the place of
Any other man or woman.
"All is perfect, so perfectly perfect!
Whatever being lives, moves
And Breathes on Earth
At every level from atom to Galaxy
Is absolutely perfect in its place.
Precise and choreographed
Because "That" flows from the
Glory of God,
The Lord,
The Self,
The Source,
Peace and Love,
And is therefore perfect.
When you have surrendered your ego to "That"
You will find true happiness.
Never ever envy the place of
Any other man or woman.
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Starving the beast within:
There lies a lingering beast inside of you,
making it seem as the personality is two.
It waits, it lurks,
under hurts,
or hovering above you,
silently it smirks.
Who comes close prepare for fight,
ravaging, raging, even deep in the night.
Haunting and tormenting,
remain vigilant in sleep,
when you awaken there lies slaughtered sheep.
Fret not my friend for the will is strong,
be joyous and persevering,
for it won't be long.
Til onde day in Epiphany comes a saving Force,
Deep from inside,
an indomitable Source.
Remain alert seeking the Path,
for one day anew,
be released from the past.
Forgive in the moment, ever loving with patience,
all are your brothers,
similarily guarding their stations.
Release & let go, the Universe is infinitely embracing,
purifying old wounds,
the mind has been chasing,
Take heed and ponder,
my words are not new,
just a humble disciple outstretched hands
waiting for YOU!
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Weakened will...
- Difficulty in the ability to start or complete task
- placing energy into areas of little significance to personal development, total well-being or growth and advancement (whether spiritual, family, emotional, economic, career, relationships or relaxation...etc)
- feeling a heavy burden on the body causing inability to move or get motivated.
- lack of desire in beneficial activities that once caused joy and pleasure.
- withdraw and isolation.
- inability to focus on one particular issue, concern or event for long periods of time.
- irritability, mood swings or irrational thoughts.
We must be ever vigilant of our personal will, will power is a divine gift and one to be increased and enhanced. A weakened will can go virtually unnoticed. We may cast it aside due to blame, judgement of others or doubt. We may assume that it is the fault of others or circumstances that cause us to be uninterested in things of importance. A weak will is a dangerous phenomena that should be consider one of our greatest obstacles to overcome.
When we have a task that must be accomplished, thought should go into how much energy we need in order to accomplish the task. After that is assessed, ponder the level of our will and act to increase it. Most times some sit idly in long speech of the task to accomplish, draining themselves of the needed energy to carry on. We spend too much time in mental preparation, visual imagery or imagination over-contemplating tools necessary. This is beneficial only if it does not over-extend into the time for task completion.
Take a task, even very small and resolve to complete it (like taking a walk after dinner). Offer yourself a set measurable time, for example: I will give 25 minutes for X to be started on Thursday May 15th. This will give you a time-frame that is measurable and resolve to complete even the first portion. Then reward yourself for simply completing the task (a relaxing cup of tea).This builds the will, increasing discipline while building self-esteem. One must remain consistent and persevering!!!
To be continued....
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
The Great Design
Being as the Great Architect for your life means to go with the ebb and flow or cycles of change. We must use the tools we possess in order to sculpt the best course for ourselves.
- Use your highest mental abilities to think of alternatives as to the best course of action to take.
- Use your strong Will in order to accomplish task planned.
- Stand in spiritual faith that this is in fact an desirable course of action.
- Believe that you are in accord to that ebb and flow.
- Avoid reacting and responding impulsively to irrational fears of the unknown or haunting hurts of the past.
- Move into the new planned design with faith, laying brick by brick.
- Dissect details, with no desire to quickly skip to the next phase.
Format the blueprint to plan and design a better existence for your life. Designing requires use of intuition & much careful planning yet it calls for methodical application. Be not rash, or too quick to see and expect results & forget NOT to set aside fear. Transform your perception while thinking the opposing thought of that which you fear. See peace, calm and reinforcing decisions that support your agenda. Live in that State of Being which you envision. Be aware of the signs and synchronicities of the Universe, you will be guided. Co-create and Craft a better form of existing, one with purpose, joy and meaning!
The Design is yours... Create a beautiful One...
Love the Light you Live in,
Monday, April 4, 2016
Looking back on the past few years I stop and Reflect on lessons to be learned on that which has come to pass. In my reflection I observe aggressive tendencies in dealing with problems and peoples. Unstable emotions, immaturity in decision-making and impulsive/rash reactions. These behaviors led to habits that resulted in much negative consequences.
These survival defenses, some assert as defense mechanisms, impacted individuals around me, namely The Innocent Ones. There are many brothers & sister's of the world who have led, nah still lead similar experiences. Albeit failing to come to this conclusion and taking personal responsibility. This keeps them blind to liberating truths, all will be revealed in due time. With all due respect, of this we must be certain.
I am here to confess my wrongdoings, while drowning in murky lakes, I perceived them to be torrential merciless hurricanes with oceans of waves seeking my demise. I perceived all life and its inhabitants as enemies in opposition to my advancement (this may or may not have been the case). I believed circumstances, events and individuals were responding with insensitivity, callousness and disregard for my well-being. I was playing the proverbial archetypal "VICTIM'. I was disorderly in my thinking one without serenity in my life. Drowning in self-pity, "i" identified with my failures and shortcomings and assumed those others could sense or see that.
I now crawl towards a cool calming flowing river of purification, forgiveness and mindful living. Open to change and correction of transgressions, now awaiting unveiled truths from those Great Ones, watchers of humanity. I am far from healed yet just as close to joy! Moving towards a state of salvation, self-forgetfulness, revelation and grace. I now accept any obstacle that lay before me with courage and acceptance. I seek sovereignty of spirit, peace @ heart, compassion of Being & Wisdom in action.
Walk with Me, forever shall His Will be Done!
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Illusion of separate-ness ... The Anti-Christ
In an email to my 19 year old niece who should so much compassion and confusion over a fight between a teenage white and black girl.. these were my consoling words.. and this is my ideal...
"whites and blacks do not realize that they show their weakness and insecurities simultaneous to their strengths and capabilities. when the whites speak of race in this they show their hatred, separativeness, insecurities and fears and weakness on the human scale (Anti-Christ/ Anti-evolution conscious). When blacks show theirs they show brutality, violence, inability to deal with situations without uncontrolled emotions and their immaturity on the human scale (Anti-Christ/ Anti-evolution conscious).
"whites and blacks do not realize that they show their weakness and insecurities simultaneous to their strengths and capabilities. when the whites speak of race in this they show their hatred, separativeness, insecurities and fears and weakness on the human scale (Anti-Christ/ Anti-evolution conscious). When blacks show theirs they show brutality, violence, inability to deal with situations without uncontrolled emotions and their immaturity on the human scale (Anti-Christ/ Anti-evolution conscious).
At the same time the whites show their growth of intolerance for violence against human beings (tho they themselves are prone to it in different shades and have for centuries been the oppressor and the ones beating, killing, raping and stealing from others calling it colonialism), inclusive attitudes to stick up for each other (clansmen), desire to see an end to brutality and strong push for justice (for themselves in most cases). With the blacks they show their strong desire for what is right, protecting themselves (tribal), ability to be forceful and stand up when action is needed (anti-slavery consciousness). They generally understand each others emotions (yet show little empathy for humanity as a whole, and usually support that persons right to defend themselves against perceived injustice, that is where we do band together...
these actions on both parts have to evolve.. white must realize there is not evidence that supports they are superior..look at how the world is run and look at how it is destroyed by their so called superiority they have managed to destroy civilization, organizations, economies, environments,nations of peoples and the world..so much for superiority). Angry blacks, different from thriving blacks have brought their race down to the lowest form of existence without showing signs of great change, they are disjointed, immature and broken down in the family and are emotionally not strong enough to carry their own weight in society causing them not to make a powerful name for themselves, they show weakness to the world instead of strength, they show fear instead of bravery and they show inability to work together even in the family unite this is why they are oppressed......
sorry had to get that off my chest... I do not have to identify with either side (inferior or superior, American- non-American) I identify with humanity because I am human. I do not have to BE anything other than a Son/daughter of the Most High as we ALL are.. that is what I identify with and until people stop identifying with things that separate them they will never understand the core elements that make us ONE..." TMG
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Thursday, March 3, 2016
Quick thought on irritation:
Irritation is a mental phenomena that is not really placed into our conscious mind as a cause for disease, yet it should at least be pondered.
This problem breaks the natural harmony of the energy system in the mental and emotional body. This flow is slowed by fear which leads to doubt caused by lack of belief in Self. Impatience and hurry feed this ill and puts an undue pressure on the nervous system producing a toxin in the body. That toxin stores in the organs producing disease.
One type of irritability:
As opposed to seeing oneself as capable, strong, courageous and willful, one perceives others are better or superior. The opposing thought is humbly identifying with your strengths and complimentary disposition. Magnify your strengths and bring to light and heal weaknesses.
Irritation is a mental phenomena that is not really placed into our conscious mind as a cause for disease, yet it should at least be pondered.
This problem breaks the natural harmony of the energy system in the mental and emotional body. This flow is slowed by fear which leads to doubt caused by lack of belief in Self. Impatience and hurry feed this ill and puts an undue pressure on the nervous system producing a toxin in the body. That toxin stores in the organs producing disease.
One type of irritability:
- inferiority complex-when one identifies with his/her failures or shortcomings.
As opposed to seeing oneself as capable, strong, courageous and willful, one perceives others are better or superior. The opposing thought is humbly identifying with your strengths and complimentary disposition. Magnify your strengths and bring to light and heal weaknesses.
- Instead we assume others can see our struggles, past and present.
This may led us to go out of our way to hide these struggles, never assuming they may see your triumphs. This distortion may lead one to debt from over shopping, addiction or depression. Worse it causes us to hide from the world and from others.
- We assume others are richer, more successful, more beautiful and more powerful......etc
This causes anger, frustration and self-hatred or hatred of others. We may even hate those that represent our struggle or poverty, becoming prejudice, critical and intolerant of those we perceive as having less.
Be mindful of feelings of inferiority, it may linger and lie in you mutating into a disease with symptoms of irritability. Frustration leads to a toxic filled aura, repelling those things and opportunities that may lead us out of our chaos.
U & Me....
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
The Art of Manifestation
There are steps to manifestation and the requirement that one be extremely honest with one's self in the process. The ancient wisdom of "Man know thyself", is the key to the door of manifesting your divine inheritance. These are things that are rightfully due to you as long as your life is in divine accord. If you are not you will know because manifestation will not come with ease. Here are some keys to concern yourself with:
- You will need energy...where are you replenished? Through prayer, exercise, meditation, purification rituals, fast etc... Signs:
- You will feel invigorated, energized, know an increase of vitality, creativity, more smiles will be your companion, you may make strong impacts on co-workers, friends, and family, you will magnetizes and others will be drawn to you to help or hurt (careful of that) not everyone is positively charged by your light.
2. You will need the ability to concentrate...
- Singleness of purpose, being driven, applying a strong will to your goals, one will need to be totally committed while destroying and crushing obstacles, one must set asides distractions while focusing on your pursuits, and we can not forget sacrifice. Giving up things that are insignificant like television shows yet keeping up with things that have great meaning such as building strong family ties with those willing & worth it.
3. We must act consciously....
- Knowing exactly what you are doing and why you are doing it. By acknowledging your motivations and intention you will plan in accord to divine will and law naturally. Nothing forced, pressured, knowing when to push-pull, leap-stand firm, or when to bend and remain centered and still.
4. Take Action...
- Understanding that there is a time for planning and research and there is a time for action. One must have the courage to act, without excuses and without fear. One must take the plunge and timing is everything. If you have planned accordingly and all things are aligned, the Universe will respond and you will know that it is your time to pounce. Wait too long, falter, hesitate or misstep and you may loose your opportunity. You may miss the window or door of opportunity opened wide for you to spring forth into a new life that awaits! The life yo are destined for and especially designed for you.
May your eyes only see truth and if it is not your time, then toil my friend, work and await the moment that it is your time to shine. We will all receive them it is divine law. For those who place out nothing will receive nothing, for those who toil and place energy into the universe will surely receive. Walk in Peace and prosperity.
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Ten Positive Traits to counter the Negative
Now that we have assessed our negatives we can move to resolution in the positive. As you know all issues to be solved, can only be solved with a positive frame of mind. Where the positive attitude will attract better results. Those positive situations are manifest in the form of illuminations that have taken place. This is how the dvine mind assist with resolution through positive thinking, actions and words. Let us move forward, so next we need to figure where we fit on our road map to a more balanced perspective of life.
- Resentment ---------------------- 1. calls for forgiveness
- Hatred .....................................2. acceptance
- Anger ......................................3. tolerance
- Fear .........................................4. confidence through goal accomplishment (small/large)
- Frustration ...............................5. are soothed by calming activities such as yoga, meditation, walks
- Irritability .................................6. looses power through breathing techniques
- Complaining .............................7. challenges one to be silent while thinking the opposing thought... (thoughts of anger should be immersed in soothing thoughts of love)
- Blaming....................................8. calls for taking total responsibility for all actions
- Name Calling/Criticism ............9. helps to sees others as you see yourself
10. Is to know that we are all trying to progress and this
can be done by Knowing We are All One!
love one another....unconditionally!
Monday, February 1, 2016
Ten Toxic Traits
Gazing upon the barren land of toxicity that resides within, finding our place of peace remains only a mystery. A tool necessary in our search to uncover calm, requires one to assess where you have been, where you have arrived and where you are headed. I have gathered a list of negative qualities that should be considered as a road map on our Journey from Chaos to Peace...
On a ten point scale of NEGATIVE FEELINGS (10) being the worst and (1) meaning you are ever so close to reaching a peace-filled existence... WHERE R U?
First you identify:
10. RESENTMENT... which leads to
9. HATRED...
8. leading to ANGER
1. realization that change is necessary and MUST occur
Where do you fall on this road map? Later I will explain what is necessary to be done!
Follow me.. and together we will change our world.
Sunday, January 3, 2016
Can I ask the Question?
I was asked:
What is your interpretation of the soul? I am new to this so try to explain in a way easy for me.
My answer: ok maybe I can put it this way
look at the soul as a backseat passenger in a car, the person is the driver and the car makes up the entire body (a vessel) that houses both the person and the soul (our backseat driver)..is this clear? The personality (which is you Jack, Harry, Mike & Tiffany and all other people on the planet)...ok So each of us has a person driving the car with a backseat driver that is housed in the car. We need the car to survive, to live and thrive without the protection of the car we would not be able to exist..understand? So in this car the person drives around typically lost, unaware of where it is headed just looking over at others trying to see what everyone else is doing. Cause it knows not really its purpose is. So the driver looks at all the other cars on the road to try to learn what it means to survive, it learns from others what to think, how to think , what to eat, wear...got it? problem is everyone driving is just as lost..lol the only one that can truly help you find your way is the soul (even if you are religious) the soul has all the answers and may even lead you to church or to the Bible..right? But everyone has loud music on in the car and can never hear the One in the back that can tell you where to go, because really the driver thinks it knows what it is doing and really does not even realize their is something in the back... |
Q: So at any point does the Driver know their is a backseat driver? My Answer? it whispers and gives nudges, faint and subtle hints and impressions..it respect the Law of Free will... This story can go on forever but I sense you need this..by the way I am making this up as I go..but I am compelled to continue..follow me... So it will never force you to listen to it besides you have karma to work off and debts to pay so some alleyways you must go down in order to learn, so it sits quietly untuil the day you decide to turn the music (chaos) down and totally submit to its direction.... Sometimes people must crash in order to Stop their madness and sit in silence, dazed and confused and then while in recovery be forced to confront himself and all of his human flaws.. This is the purpose for meditation, it is the only way to hear the soul and get closer to the soul because you turn down the radio every morning or evening for 5 minutes to start then longer year after year, til the mind is void of music all together.. and always listens to the soul now and finally allows the soul to take the wheel and let the person sit beside it in the passenger seat while you co-create a life together... This was beautiful ... hope you enjoyed it!! |
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