Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Ten Positive Traits to counter the Negative

Now that we have assessed our negatives we can move to resolution in the positive. As you know all issues to be solved, can only be solved with a positive frame of mind. Where the positive attitude will attract better results. Those positive situations are manifest in the form of illuminations that have taken place. This is how the dvine mind assist with resolution through positive thinking, actions and words. Let us move forward, so next we need to figure where we fit on our road map to a more balanced perspective of life.

  1. Resentment ---------------------- 1. calls for forgiveness
  2. Hatred .....................................2. acceptance
  3. Anger ......................................3. tolerance
  4.  Fear .........................................4. confidence through goal accomplishment (small/large)
  5.  Frustration ...............................5. are soothed by calming activities such as yoga, meditation, walks
  6. Irritability .................................6. looses power through breathing techniques
  7. Complaining .............................7. challenges one to be silent while thinking the opposing thought... (thoughts of anger should be immersed in soothing thoughts of love)
  8.  Blaming....................................8. calls for taking total responsibility for all actions
  9. Name Calling/Criticism ............9. helps to sees others as you see yourself
 10. Is to know that we are all trying to progress and this 
can be done by Knowing We are All One!

love one another....unconditionally!

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