Monday, April 4, 2016


Looking back on the past few years I stop and Reflect on lessons to be learned on that which has come to pass. In my reflection I observe aggressive tendencies in dealing with problems and peoples. Unstable emotions, immaturity in decision-making and impulsive/rash reactions. These behaviors led to habits that resulted in much negative consequences.

These survival defenses, some assert as defense mechanisms, impacted individuals around me, namely The Innocent Ones. There are many brothers & sister's of the world who have led, nah still lead similar experiences. Albeit failing to come to this conclusion and taking personal responsibility. This keeps them blind to liberating truths, all will be revealed in due time. With all due respect, of this we must be certain.

I am here to confess my wrongdoings, while drowning in murky lakes, I perceived them to be torrential merciless hurricanes with oceans of waves seeking my demise.  I perceived all life and its inhabitants as enemies in opposition to my advancement (this may or may not have been the case). I believed circumstances, events and individuals were responding with insensitivity, callousness and disregard for my well-being. I was playing the proverbial archetypal "VICTIM'. I was disorderly in my thinking one without serenity in my life. Drowning in self-pity, "i" identified with my failures and shortcomings and assumed those others could sense or see that.

I now crawl towards a cool calming flowing river  of purification, forgiveness and mindful living. Open to change and correction of transgressions, now awaiting unveiled truths from those Great Ones, watchers of humanity. I am far from healed yet just as close to joy! Moving towards a state of salvation, self-forgetfulness, revelation and grace. I now accept any obstacle that lay before me with courage and acceptance. I seek sovereignty of spirit, peace @ heart, compassion of Being & Wisdom in action.

Walk with Me, forever shall His Will be Done!



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