We all Long to feel beautiful, glowing and more radiant.
Yet what we truly seek is an inner essence radiating our true divine nature.
Inner beauty resonates and permeates at a higher frequency. A frequency that can not be captured in photograph or film.
This higher frequency of love emanating through the pores can not be detected by those living in illusion, its vibration penetrates beyond mere skin-deep superficiality.
In the eye of the beholder does the perception of the soul (the subjective One) ring forth, the soul being the only true knower of what is real.
Seek a beauty that lies deeper than fraudulent and skewed media representation, the air-brushed mirage sought after by all living "The Great Lie".
It lies not in collagen injections, can not be found in plastic surgery and will never be maintained in owning over-priced, luxurious possessions.
As the grace of maturity sweeps throughout all of life, as it will for All, embracing radiance should be ever more celebrated.
As the nation of more conscious brothers awakens towards progressive evolutionary thinking the search for something more meaningful will proliferate.
The quest for things profound, intangible and offering more depth will replace the shallow popularity of the day.
There will come a time when society will realize the subtle, and not so subtle, influence superficial beauty has on the psyche, emotions, self-worth and overall well-being.
To feel ugly is to feel undesirable,
to feel unwanted is to feel invisible,
to feel unseen is to feel removed,
to feel excluded is to feel apart from the whole.
The whole of which we all are a part.
If we are to embrace our understanding of the ideal that
it is then imperative to feel better about ourselves (more beautiful).
Therefore we must take note that being a part of that whole is the exact thing that makes us radiant and glorious.
Because you belong to that whole you are a natural beauty.
If we can not destroy the industry of illusion than we must commit to rebuilding our divine selves one brick at a time.
Throughout past blogs I have offered much food for thought on where to begin and the nature of the beasts that abound within us ALL!
Take heed...
When we begin with our inner shadow nature the light of day will dawn and break into a more magnanimous you.
At a cellular level we will become more energized, revitalized and replenished calling us to a higher more noble direction in our lifestyle.
Discipline with ourselves allows us to become more luminous...
NOT Superficial Beauties.
Be the Beacon of Light for the D'vine!
With every ounce of my love,