Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Door of the Seeker Hidden in Plane Sight

The Door is Open for the Seeker

Scholarly Aristocracy in Times Past...

Consider Consistency

It may be easy for some to conceive of a universal, divine, immortal, all-knowing, unconditionally loving divine spark that resides outside of us. Yet how easy is it to contend with the idea of a piece of that same spark to reside and take up residence within all mortal beings and nature? The soul may just be that spark of the creator that keeps us alive. The only indwelling thing that is alive. Without it the heart have no need to pump or the brain no need to illuminate. This spark goes virtually unrecognized, underutilized and misrepresented.

This spark must be able to be indwell within a human vessel in order to take its rightful place in your life and as the center and all pervading presence in your existence. You must have the proper tools to chisel out a place for it to move and have its being inside you. Without moving and removing the stagnant unwanted inner materials how can it flourish and permeate through you. It's home must be free of toxic clutter and filth, cleaning must take place.

This understanding came
The Soul/Spark can NOT:
Sing within a broken Heart
Love through poisoned Chambers
Enter into a corrupted Vessel
See through a clouded third eye
Speak through a filthy mouth
Listen through deaf/clogged eyes
Live in a fearful environment
Think in a tainted mind
Reside in a battered mental State
And tolerate an unhealthy relationship or
Stand balanced on toxic ground
Regain grounding and harmony for balance
Rejuvenate or terminate existing decaying
Reconcile with past mistakes and empty the disturbed heart while
Clearing the mental body 
Then forgive and Regroup!
Upon which you will begin to feel your sparks gentle approach to move, be heard and felt within and around your being.
This Precious Jewel of The Sun
Precious Jewel of The Lotus
Forgive and Love thyself!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Evolving from Paranoia to Vigilance

     Often times our mind is flooded with gruesome stories of horror, violence with malicious images. Plaguing our minds and altering our ability to discern and see things clearly. The ability to clearly discriminate between what is good, beautiful and true can be greatly affected and distorted through such scattered mental madness. When we are unequipped to alleviate the shroud of paranoia that surges the mind certain negativity and doubt hides the light that shines in all life. Paranoia manifest in life as a suffocating mental perception projected onto others and situations viewing them obsessively as destructive and unstable.  There is no doubt in our mind that man is capable of the most heinous terrors imaginable. We need only turn on the 10 o'clock news to witness perpetual national and global atrocity. We witness rape, brutality, desecration and all sorts of premeditated evil.

    Yet to that there lies an opposing goodness in the nature of man not readily reported. We rarely witness compassionate acts of gratitude and kindness, loving and fruitful exchange or sincere and reverent display from humanity. Change is among us frightful as well as loving. Humanity is evolving, maybe slower than one would like, but progressing nonetheless. Let us evolve into a more vigilant, discerning and discriminating humankind, where we live not in denial of evil but possess a certain peace to its presence. This is not foolish or unreasonable but living in the acceptance of all that life has to offer. Vigilance in life is a paramount phenomena to our survival as a species, yet paranoia is only the disintegration of the conscious evolving mind.

     Never allow paranoia to stop you from experiencing all that life has to offer. Paranoia will keep you imprisoned in your home, hold you captive in old beliefs and jail your body and mind causing disease to both. Set paranoia free, never to return and embrace freedom through vigilant perception and discriminating mindfulness. Through wisdom and personal experience we should know that humanity, though infantile in its celestial majesty is destined for a greater state of Being and awareness. Follow the course of our evolution journey towards a more light and peace-filled existence!
By following the Light, We find True Love.
With everything I possess and renounce,

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Not Superficial ....... but Dvine Beauty/Radiance

     We all Long to feel beautiful, glowing and more radiant.
Yet what we truly seek is an inner essence radiating our true divine nature.
Inner beauty resonates and permeates at a higher frequency. A frequency that can not be captured in photograph or film.
This higher frequency of love emanating through the pores can not be detected by those living in  illusion, its vibration penetrates beyond mere skin-deep superficiality.
In the eye of the beholder does the perception of the soul (the subjective One) ring forth, the soul being the only true knower of what is real.  
Seek a beauty that lies deeper than fraudulent and skewed media representation, the air-brushed mirage sought after by all living "The Great Lie".
It lies not in collagen injections, can not be found in plastic surgery and will never be maintained in owning over-priced, luxurious possessions.
As the grace of maturity sweeps throughout all of life, as it will for All, embracing  radiance should be ever more celebrated.
As the nation of more conscious brothers awakens towards progressive evolutionary thinking the search for something more meaningful will proliferate.
The quest for things profound, intangible and offering more depth will replace the shallow popularity of the day.
There will come a time when society will realize the subtle, and not so subtle, influence superficial beauty has on the psyche, emotions, self-worth and overall well-being.
To feel ugly is to feel undesirable,
to feel unwanted is to feel invisible,
to feel unseen is to feel removed,
to feel excluded is to feel apart from the whole.
The whole of which we all are a part.
If we are to embrace our understanding of the ideal that
it is then imperative to feel better about ourselves (more beautiful).
Therefore we must take note that being a part of that whole is the exact thing that makes us radiant and glorious. 
Because you belong to that whole you are a natural beauty.
If we can not destroy the industry of illusion than we must commit to rebuilding our divine selves one brick at a time.
Throughout past blogs I have offered much food for thought on where to begin and the nature of the beasts that abound within us ALL!
Take heed...
When we begin with our inner shadow nature the light of day will dawn and break into a more magnanimous you.
At a cellular level we will become more energized, revitalized and replenished calling us to a higher more noble direction in our lifestyle.
Discipline with ourselves allows us to become more luminous...
NOT Superficial Beauties.
Be the Beacon of Light for the D'vine!
With every ounce of my love,

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Depression...The Great Beast!

    There comes a time in all man's existence when the great phantom of darkness/depression descends upon us. At times unexpectedly..and on occasion, triggered by circumstance. Whatever the case the result is the same, inability to function at normal energetic capacity. We loose faith, hope, clarity and determination. It grips with its poisonous claws seducing us into the abyss of our sorrows, deliberate and unrelenting. Until we become tangled in a web of despair and melancholy, loss and irreversible hopelessness. We have no energy for struggle, no desire for battle an surely no hope for defeat.
Battle with The Great Beast has Begun!
    Like Hercules we are enthralled in a severe testing phase of life where courage is our only sword and summoned strength our only hope for escape. The beast is stealthful, cunning and lurks about awaiting the most opportune time to strike, this we must be vigilant of! Vigilance and constant awareness are our "Golden Key" to survival.  
    I speak not to the audience struggling through neuro-cellular  defects or depression genetically inherited, for these ones need assistance at a greater level. This depression is too deeply embedded that only the care and guidance of a skilled professional can tackle. And for those dear friends...I say: SEEK SUCH ASSISTANCE IMMEDIATELY! Know when you are defeated and at wits end. Do not Wait, Do not Deny, regain your strength guided by needed medication (wholistic or traditional) and therapy (in order to learn better coping skills). I studied psychology in my undergrad and am aware of its debilitating effects on the human mental system. Take this not lightly, man must know himself in order to garner strength in the battle of the shadow side of himself. Yet for those who battle the beast only on occasion and with due diligence these words are dedicated to you.  
     Now that we may discern and know the face of the shadow, what can be done upon his impending arrival? Only at recognizing its onset can the shadow side of us (the beast) be thwarted. This is the key to vigilance, to be aware of his arrival before the venomous claws have sunken in. Notice his subtle presence, draining you quietly. Heed the lack in energy, the slightest signs of fear, worry and doubt.  Negative thinking and reactions to self and others whether we become emotionally aloof, mentally strained, physically exhausted and confused in action and decision. Everything becomes a chore in eating, talking and actions. Signs my friends are our greatest allies!
     Seek its source, the real source of our fears and worry, write them down  and put them in front of you. Take the steps needed in order to combat the shadow while you still have care and energy left. For the time being eat foods that revitalize fruits, nuts, veggies and grains. Cut back on starches, acidic foods, heavy meat products that rob the body of energy and vital nutrients. Temporarily refrain from alcohol & drug abuse (side note:Abuse and addiction are separate entities. Addiction calls for treatment..period!) as this feeds the beast.  Replace these with purified water with fresh squeezed lemon and peppermint or green detoxing teas. When the body has replenished itself and balance has been restored moderation in lifestyle should be maintained.
     Consistent meditation is also recommended in order to keep the body constantly at peace, the mind steady in the light and the emotional body controlled and centered. The ancient elders knew this and so shall it be the modern mans medicine.
In constant Love & Light,