So as promised, tools and keys to minimize and decrease the
dark while maintaining and increasing the light. Light consist of vitality,
energy and positive reinforcements to tackle the pitfalls of the dark. Dark
consist of decreased vitality, lack of
energy and obstacles that hinder our ability to cope with everyday stressors.
Those elements that poison and intoxicate us make life considerably miserable,
unbearable or at times uneventful.
Always keep your mental focus high, on higher
thoughts, ideas and speech. This leads to higher aspirations..
Consider a sport, any sport: Tennis, softball,
horseback riding etc. in order to maintain physical fitness.
Leading to number three, maintain a regular
fitness regimen; walking with the children or partner, jogging, join the YMCA,
any activity. The idea is to get the blood flowing increasing circulation and
positive vital energy. This is imperative…
Be ever
conscious of the foods you consume and consider vegetarianism or vegetarian cuisine
nights/dinners. Foods kissed by the sun offer the cellular structure valuable reserves
of light that help in cellular regeneration keeping the body healthy. This
includes minimizing alcohol intake cigarettes, high fructose corn syrup and
sugars etc.
and past times activities that develop and expand the mind instead of numbing
it. Substitute television consumption and irritating radio for activities that
stimulate and enhance your nature and being.
Join personal development groups and networks
with like-minded individuals, this will inspire creativity and boost overall positive
self-image while creating fellowship.
Keep your sacred sexual imagery (thoughts) and
behaviors clean and healthy.
Study your sacred texts or sacred teachings.
Spiritual pursuits are encouraged and necessary daily.
Meditate, consider yoga and breathing exercises.
Cleaning up our lives encompasses spiritual,
mental, emotional, and physical and a literal releasing of self from
unnecessary possessions. Ponder the idea ridding your home and closet of
unwanted items that cram your life.
Cultivate an attitude of harmlessness in
thoughts, speech and action. This will generate an existence of peace, balance
and harmony affecting your entire surroundings including work.
Budgeting is imperative for financial freedom; I
suggest foregoing pointless spending to researching a financial portfolio for
oneself. This will include investing, real estate, 401K and savings that will
expand your economic sovereignty
Last spend some quiet time with your thoughts at
least 15 minutes in contemplation enabling periods of illumination.
These are my thoughts and suggestions, do you have more to
include we would love to hear them?
Ta for now, til we speak again…..TMG
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