Thursday, May 16, 2013

In the Shadows of Life...

In the shadows of life there lies a darkness of negative influences. Lurking, stealing and draining our divine right to true prosperity and peace. We may call this; negative thinking, energy vampires (be they our friends, family, children, co-workers etc..) or out-molded beliefs and behaviors that lead to unexpected consequences. Dare we acknowledge them or do we intentionally deny their existence?    
     Only you know the answer to this. If we just for the moment bring them to the surface and call them out, these influences can help us clear away dead dross of our lives. These impressions cloud our judgments and shroud the way we perceive the world we live in. Our subconscious perception of ourselves can be rather cruel and condescending especially when we put effort forth towards our goals. If one is in a state of perpetual anxiety towards pursuing their true heart’s desire, whether career, entrepreneurial, travel etc., a negative self- image dissuades one from taking steps towards its completion. Abundance, prosperity and inner peace are our divine birthright. When we allow the misguided actions and behaviors of others determine our responses and reactions we close that window to prosperity and abundance. By incorrectly responding to certain stimulus inappropriately, we give it power to take residence up in our minds, bodies and life.

     This stimulus ultimately decreases the amount of vitality/energy needed to progress upon the path. A shield of confidence can be created by accomplishing even the most rudimentary daily task while never losing sight of our long-term objectives. Life is comprised of simple small beauties and fulfillment's that nurture and nourish us. Let us consistently look out for natural genuine lasting happiness.

Fare thy well…TMG

Monday, May 13, 2013

Keys to Escaping the Darkness....

So as promised, tools and keys to minimize and decrease the dark while maintaining and increasing the light. Light consist of vitality, energy and positive reinforcements to tackle the pitfalls of the dark. Dark consist of  decreased vitality, lack of energy and obstacles that hinder our ability to cope with everyday stressors. Those elements that poison and intoxicate us make life considerably miserable, unbearable or  at times uneventful.

Á       Always keep your mental focus high, on higher thoughts, ideas and speech. This leads to higher aspirations..

Á       Consider a sport, any sport: Tennis, softball, horseback riding etc. in order to maintain physical fitness.

Á       Leading to number three, maintain a regular fitness regimen; walking with the children or partner, jogging, join the YMCA, any activity. The idea is to get the blood flowing increasing circulation and positive vital energy. This is imperative…

Á        Be ever conscious of the foods you consume and consider vegetarianism or vegetarian cuisine nights/dinners. Foods kissed by the sun offer the cellular structure valuable reserves of light that help in cellular regeneration keeping the body healthy. This includes minimizing alcohol intake cigarettes, high fructose corn syrup and sugars etc.

Á        Hobbies and past times activities that develop and expand the mind instead of numbing it. Substitute television consumption and irritating radio for activities that stimulate and enhance your nature and being.

Á       Join personal development groups and networks with like-minded individuals, this will inspire creativity and boost overall positive self-image while creating fellowship.

Á       Keep your sacred sexual imagery (thoughts) and behaviors clean and healthy.

Á       Study your sacred texts or sacred teachings. Spiritual pursuits are encouraged and necessary daily.

Á       Meditate, consider yoga and breathing exercises.

Á       Cleaning up our lives encompasses spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical and a literal releasing of self from unnecessary possessions. Ponder the idea ridding your home and closet of unwanted items that cram your life.

Á       Cultivate an attitude of harmlessness in thoughts, speech and action. This will generate an existence of peace, balance and harmony affecting your entire surroundings including work.

Á       Budgeting is imperative for financial freedom; I suggest foregoing pointless spending to researching a financial portfolio for oneself. This will include investing, real estate, 401K and savings that will expand your economic sovereignty

Á       Last spend some quiet time with your thoughts at least 15 minutes in contemplation enabling periods of illumination.   

These are my thoughts and suggestions, do you have more to include we would love to hear them?

Ta for now, til we speak again…..TMG

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Darkness of Suffering.....

     In determining what the darkness of suffering represents  it takes one to analyze all events, circumstances and individuals involved in the chaotic experiences that caused or determined the dreadful outcomes. As a single mother survival is predicated on sustainable income and the continuity of the ability to maintain certain basic comforts and necessities of existence.  Be they shelter (rent or mortgage), which most people globally struggle with this especially in today’s economic climate. There is the maintenance of that shelter internal and external (utilities, repairs etc.) include the sustenance of all individuals in the home (food and clean drinking water). Clothing and shoes are a mandatory and regular expense especially for growing children, satisfactory education is a primary concern as well (The list goes on).  

    With all this being said  there is the declaration to pursue personal ambitions and passions including higher education and the transportation to attain all goals and responsibilities. I could fill the page with leisure and hobbies or entertainment and amusement but that is another blog in and of itself. As a human being in modern society we are all aware of the everyday pitfall and obstacles of survival and the advantages. The problem lies not only in entertainment desires, time and finance management (budgeting), and personal pursuance of goals, the problem most heavily lies in our mindset towards these occurrences. The belief we have in ourselves to handle, juggle and succeed in these endeavors is paramount. The courage to know that we can endure catapults us towards next day and further away from the initial phase of darkness. Those days when we were too immature to understand the parallels of life’s struggles (thanx for the support mom!). This strength in our vision or our  will to achieve marches us towards a more loftier and nobler cause. At first this may start as a desire for material possessions, the needs of our family and personal advancement but then it takes on a life of its own away from selfish needs. The higher cause becomes bigger than ourselves and our wants, this is the goal humanity strives to reach fighting for something grander.

     So how do we do this… where are the tools to bring about this radical transformation required? The first thing is to remember Not to loose ourselves in our own personal obstacles and responsibilities. Where psychological over-load sets in and lack in vitality and energy to carry on daily task is impaired. We know we need a daily planner and reminder system set in place to act as our administrative assistant. On the issue of regular bills, we know they will be there accompanying us til our death. This is a fact to be humbly accepted once this is done life becomes more mentally palatable.  At a point in our existence Acceptance is simply the key. My next blog will be a compilation of keys and tools that offer more viable solutions to leaving the darkness behind and entering into a more divine cause....
I bow to the eternal divine spark within you!
Question: How has a planner changed your habits?

Monday, May 6, 2013

Out of Darkness..towards Divine Aristocracy

Intuition has set in and compels me to write, only dilemma being “What to write about”? Do I write about my unrelenting struggles that require constant makeshift survival tools to navigate through? What about my lofty quest towards spiritual redemption and restoration? I decided the two were synonymous and could not be separated even if attempted. Out of Darkness refers to human struggle through ignorance of mistakes that could have been avoided and misguided thinking causing much suffering and pain (real or imagined). The complete submersion in illusion of what we perceived as real but wound up being all but real, followed by the instance of helpless misery and despair. Whether it is caused by relationship choices, mismanaged money causing financial downfall, parenting growing pangs, family crisis or health and well-being neglect. Oh yes friends I, like you, have been through the mill and have the battle scars to show for it. Most of the personal mistakes made were due to improper training or guidance but more importantly failing to take responsibility for the “ginormous” lessons life were subtly trying to cram down my throat. So I figured, I am here to share my story and yours if you so wish and together we can get through this chaotic yet mystically beautiful existence. Out of Darkness is not simply a story of battle but a tale of misdirected steps on a journey we all must take and succeed, least despair haunt us in our later years.  A journey fraught with deception, temptations, lies and etc. towards a most fulfilling trail of light, love and peace. As a collective human consciousness we owe it to each other to dig deep in ourselves and search for meaning that will assist other weary travelers along the path. We should leave signpost such as “Hey..No..Not that way, that way is full of thorns and wicked demons, Run..Go the other way”! But if you dare enter I will be on the other side with no judgments and only compassion with extended hand to help you endure the restorative process and aid in your recovery. Spirited guidance is the true tool to our survival as a collective; this is what humanity is thirsty for. As the Aquarian pours his waters for a thirsty humanity let us all drink together and be fully satiated and nourished. This blog is my oath to humanity to only be of unconditional assistance and unwavering guidance as a spiritual mid-wife to birth us Out of Darkness toward advanced spiritual sovereignty.


Til we speak again!