Tuesday, February 16, 2016

The Art of Manifestation

There are steps to manifestation and the requirement that one be extremely honest with one's self in the process. The ancient wisdom of "Man know thyself", is the key to the door of manifesting your divine inheritance. These are things that are rightfully due to you as long as your life is in divine accord. If you are not you will know because manifestation will not come with ease. Here are some keys to concern yourself with:

  1. You will need energy...where are you replenished? Through prayer, exercise, meditation, purification rituals, fast etc... Signs:
  • You will feel invigorated, energized, know an increase of vitality, creativity, more smiles will be your companion, you may make strong impacts on co-workers, friends, and family, you will magnetizes and others will be drawn to you to help or hurt (careful of that) not everyone is positively charged by your light.
       2.  You will need the ability to concentrate... 
  • Singleness of purpose, being driven, applying a strong will to your goals, one will need to be totally committed while destroying and crushing obstacles, one must set asides distractions while focusing on your pursuits, and we can not forget sacrifice. Giving up things that are insignificant like television shows yet keeping up with things that have great meaning such as building strong family ties with those willing & worth it.
       3. We must act consciously....
  • Knowing exactly what you are doing and why you are doing it. By acknowledging your motivations and intention you will plan in accord to divine will and law naturally. Nothing forced, pressured, knowing when to push-pull, leap-stand firm, or when to bend and remain centered and still. 
      4.  Take Action...
  • Understanding that there is a time for planning and research and there is a time for action. One must have the courage to act, without excuses and without fear. One must take the plunge and timing is everything. If you have planned accordingly and all things are aligned, the Universe will respond and you will know that it is your time to pounce. Wait too long, falter, hesitate or misstep and you may loose your opportunity. You may miss the window or door of opportunity opened wide for you to spring forth into a new life that awaits! The life yo are destined for and especially designed for you.
May your eyes only see truth and if it is not your time, then toil my friend, work and await the moment that it is your time to shine. We will all receive them it is divine law. For those who place out nothing will receive nothing, for those who toil and place energy into the universe will surely receive. Walk in Peace and prosperity.


Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Ten Positive Traits to counter the Negative

Now that we have assessed our negatives we can move to resolution in the positive. As you know all issues to be solved, can only be solved with a positive frame of mind. Where the positive attitude will attract better results. Those positive situations are manifest in the form of illuminations that have taken place. This is how the dvine mind assist with resolution through positive thinking, actions and words. Let us move forward, so next we need to figure where we fit on our road map to a more balanced perspective of life.

  1. Resentment ---------------------- 1. calls for forgiveness
  2. Hatred .....................................2. acceptance
  3. Anger ......................................3. tolerance
  4.  Fear .........................................4. confidence through goal accomplishment (small/large)
  5.  Frustration ...............................5. are soothed by calming activities such as yoga, meditation, walks
  6. Irritability .................................6. looses power through breathing techniques
  7. Complaining .............................7. challenges one to be silent while thinking the opposing thought... (thoughts of anger should be immersed in soothing thoughts of love)
  8.  Blaming....................................8. calls for taking total responsibility for all actions
  9. Name Calling/Criticism ............9. helps to sees others as you see yourself
 10. Is to know that we are all trying to progress and this 
can be done by Knowing We are All One!

love one another....unconditionally!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Ten Toxic Traits

Gazing upon the barren land of toxicity that resides within, finding our place of peace remains only a mystery. A tool necessary in our search to uncover calm, requires one to assess where you have been, where you have arrived and where you are headed. I have gathered a list of negative qualities that should be considered as a road map on our Journey from Chaos to Peace...

On a ten point scale of NEGATIVE FEELINGS (10) being the worst and (1) meaning you are ever so close to reaching a peace-filled existence... WHERE R U?

First you identify:

10. RESENTMENT... which leads to 

9. HATRED...

8. leading to ANGER







1. realization that change is necessary and MUST occur

Where do you fall on this road map? Later I will explain what is necessary to be done!

Follow me.. and together we will change our world.

