Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Everyone Struggles...

     Everyone struggles, its a fact of nature. There is no soothing spring without a scorching summer nor a crisp fall without a blistering winter. The one compliments and accompanies the other, such is the cycle of life. For what other lessons of growth may truly be available to free man from external lethargy of life. Struggles should neither be delighted in, avoided or denied they are an inescapable course on the path. Without them what understanding of life can come about? In the defeat of obstacles COURAGE is the outcome. Courage is the inevitable outcome of all embraced and forgiven tribulations.
    What is courage needed for in man's existence? Courage to strive forward, to persevere, courage to stand alone with ability to plan and execute and the strength to maintain peace and harmony in the wake of battle. We need courage to continue towards success and advancements. We internally crave courage to defeat feelings of insecurity, inferiority, depression, jealousy, hatred, malice (maliciousness), anger, frustration and all other base lower level vices holding us back from attaining our divine purpose. When we possess the impetus and will to face our pain it gives us the courage to bind the broken links that boulder us to suffering. 
    I propose this...A visualization...Take one scenario, event, harmful image at a time with all details involved. Go there...covered in a white light protected from any lasting lingering residue. Walk into it with patience, tolerance, forgiveness and confidence covered in bravery. No longer helpless, broken, defeated, afraid, misguided or neglected just your true Divine Self awaiting your hand. With strong enthusiasm visualize the broken, bent and frayed chain connecting your past to your present. See it winding and binding with a tighter white light and the strength of titanium never to be ripped apart, scarred or damaged again. See it shinning and bright, glowing with a strength untold and never known of before, but it is there, strong and tightened forevermore. Now walk to your present with renewed confidence and COURAGE ready to meet the day. Greet your future with hope, aspiration and illumination. OM
 Peace be with you and all you endeavor!

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