Thursday, July 18, 2013

Warning...Goals may be closer than they appear

Warning: Goals may be closer than they appear…

You ever feel as though your dreams are too far away? You take one productive step ahead only to take 5 back. Believe me you are not alone! The problem lies in that we rarely see the struggles of others in the making. We are only exposed to the finished product. Which is the reason I started this blog. To prove to self and others that through the darkness always comes the light and together we can be a testament to that.

I have experienced my fair share of dark nights and do not intend to be completely immersed into its madness.  This blog is dedicated to my global brethren suffering through chaos with an undefeated sense of determination and self-preservation. I find in my daily toils the somber reality of overwhelming duties and responsibilities, seemingly push me further away from my personal goals. Not realizing that in the acceptance of these responsibilities I gain strength, wisdom and courage to press forward.

For most of us daily tasks and mundane duties (including unfulfilling careers) exacerbate our depressive and negative outlook on life. Causing one to feel that our struggles are merely in vain. When my inner “outspoken” demons whisper to forego my responsibilities and wallow in fear, I push harder. When I see the smiles on my children face and the innocence in their hearts I forge ahead. When I cleanse myself with a good cry I steamroll over my barriers, real or imagined.

I understand that through discipline, self-encouragement and a realist perspective we already hold success within. Simply by the element of continued and daily perseverance displays this fact. We are all successful in things we do and qualities we possess, this is not patronizing smoke being blown or delusions of grandeur, it is a reality. Some may believe the mere fact that you have a job makes you a success, especially those facing homelessness. Others may believe you are blessed (successful) because you have health, parents or children. Does this not constitute success? Courage, will, determination, drive and belief in oneself are characteristics of successful individuals wealthy or in poverty. My personal success is determined by my ability to assist, inspire and encourage my brethren.

We can do this, You can do this!

With one day, one step and one task at a time goals can be achieved. Why not let the audience hold you accountable? Write down a task you need to complete in the comments section and we the readers will follow your progress. Let’s hold each other accountable, and I will put myself out there and start the process! Each week we will see how far you got on your task without judgments, criticism or finger pointing. We want you to succeed and if others don’t they are on the wrong site. I will continue this even if others don’t join in. I will show you my commitment to proving these things can actually create change in our lives.

We can play the victim any longer, not for one minute nonetheless one second. Take the time to realize your battles and obstacles internal (inside) and external (outside), real or imagined (sometimes there is really no difference!). Take one step towards following your dream it will get you closer to the finish. Appreciate your strengths, recognize weaknesses, and   honor the unrelenting and imperishable spirit that has been divinely bestowed unto you. Your destiny awaits you seize & fight for it. For it is all WE have!!!

 With unconditional LOVE…


Unknown said...

my goal right now is a personal and emotional one it does not have any thing to do with school job etc, i really would like to get so comfortable in my skin where i totally don't care what people feel about me I want the confidence of a owl..i used owl because its my favorite bird lol I would like to achieve this level of of self awareness where i hide myself from no one!i want to be me, openingly and freely..

Unknown said...

OMGosh Catherine, thank you thank you thank you for sharing a comment. I am so grateful for your insight and input. I too have the need, as well all do to be comfortable with Self. That part of us that is the original and infinte One! I am a student of the Ageless Wisdom and we have monthly meditation focuses and we recently focused on allowing our selfish personality to be quieted of its insecurities and come to appreciate ourselves as loving children of God/Christ/ The Divine Source ( however you name it) and once I realized the real me was flawless, I took one situation at a time and when I entered the room or building I reminded myself I was no greater or less than anyone I was only the presence of Love! Try it let me know. But you have to keep at it. Our personality is encrusted with years of negative self bashing, but one day at a time Friend...

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

:)Hello,WoW!! thankU!..this to me is one of the biggest problems for me to get through, this change in me will help me make better decisions and actually realize what it is i want to do for myself, even when it comes to career choices i cant seem to think about what i really want to do without thinking about what other people will think. i think this is the root to a lot of problems, that people are faced with, caring too much of what people think could really stunt your growth..thank you also for your insight and input. I will continue to work on building my self.

Unknown said...

Yes Kitty, building a stronger personality is much harder than it sounds, this everyone can attest to. Negativity runs very deep in ourselves and it is only we that can change us. Purification and cleansing of the self is a constant, an experience that needs to be cultivated regularly and daily. Spirituality is unlike religion in that it is a task we set out to complete singularly, through self discovery and a connection we seek to gain to our Higher self. It is more personal. Cleanse the nature of addictive behaviors we pick up along the way and their you will see results, think only loving thoughts and your environment will respond with peace...Happy Seeking and welcome to the path of self discovery!