Path towards Illumination
After the enlightenment of a desire to live a life in right-ness
emerges, where does one go from here? As the move away from the path of
ignorance/darkness progresses the choice to advance towards illumination become
present. On your journey will be many confusing signs leading to many different
paths. The realization of confusion and despair grow strong. As we have been
asleep for so long we must reside in the pleasure of surrender and sacrifice.
We realize:
Things we think we shouldn’t think…
Thoughts we have need be cleansed…
Things we feel we ought not feel…
People we hold onto we need let go…
Beliefs that blind us while we search for light…
Love in a way much deeper than we now…
Speak when we should listen…
Fear where courage should reside…
Crush the barriers we refuse to acknowledge…
Stand upon the path we dread to tread…
Lead the way for others to
Carrying the burdens making
them lighter for your brother…
Laugh as deep as your gut can
Cleanse our minds, body,
spirits & environments…
Approach strangers we feel we
Take the walk down nature’s
Return to the innocence of a
Learn the lessons the universe
Mistakes will be made,
forgiveness bestowed while opportunities abound!
Forgive yourself and others!
Be the soul…
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