I was asked:
What is your interpretation of the soul? I am new to this so try to explain in a way easy for me.
My answer: ok maybe I can put it this way
look at the soul as a backseat passenger in a car, the person is the driver and the car makes up the entire body (a vessel) that houses both the person and the soul (our backseat driver)..is this clear? The personality (which is you Jack, Harry, Mike & Tiffany and all other people on the planet)...ok So each of us has a person driving the car with a backseat driver that is housed in the car. We need the car to survive, to live and thrive without the protection of the car we would not be able to exist..understand? So in this car the person drives around typically lost, unaware of where it is headed just looking over at others trying to see what everyone else is doing. Cause it knows not really its purpose is. So the driver looks at all the other cars on the road to try to learn what it means to survive, it learns from others what to think, how to think , what to eat, wear...got it? problem is everyone driving is just as lost..lol the only one that can truly help you find your way is the soul (even if you are religious) the soul has all the answers and may even lead you to church or to the Bible..right? But everyone has loud music on in the car and can never hear the One in the back that can tell you where to go, because really the driver thinks it knows what it is doing and really does not even realize their is something in the back... |
Q: So at any point does the Driver know their is a backseat driver? My Answer? it whispers and gives nudges, faint and subtle hints and impressions..it respect the Law of Free will... This story can go on forever but I sense you need this..by the way I am making this up as I go..but I am compelled to continue..follow me... So it will never force you to listen to it besides you have karma to work off and debts to pay so some alleyways you must go down in order to learn, so it sits quietly untuil the day you decide to turn the music (chaos) down and totally submit to its direction.... Sometimes people must crash in order to Stop their madness and sit in silence, dazed and confused and then while in recovery be forced to confront himself and all of his human flaws.. This is the purpose for meditation, it is the only way to hear the soul and get closer to the soul because you turn down the radio every morning or evening for 5 minutes to start then longer year after year, til the mind is void of music all together.. and always listens to the soul now and finally allows the soul to take the wheel and let the person sit beside it in the passenger seat while you co-create a life together... This was beautiful ... hope you enjoyed it!! |