Monday, January 19, 2015

In the Shadows...

In the shadows of life there lies a darkness of negative influences. Lurking, stealing and draining our divine right to true prosperity and peace. We may call this; negative thinking, energy vampires (be they our friends, family, children, co-workers etc..) or out-molded beliefs and behaviors that lead to unexpected consequences. Dare we acknowledge them or do we intentionally deny their existence?    
     Only you know the answer to this. If we just for the moment bring them to the surface and call them out, these influences can help us clear away dead dross of our lives. These impressions cloud our judgments and shroud the way we perceive the world we live in. Our subconscious perception of ourselves can be rather cruel and condescending especially when we put effort forth towards our goals. If one is in a state of perpetual anxiety towards pursuing their true heart’s desire, whether career, entrepreneurial, travel etc., a negative self- image dissuades one from taking steps towards its completion. Abundance, prosperity and inner peace are our divine birthright. When we allow the misguided actions and behaviors of others determine our responses and reactions we close that window to prosperity and abundance. By incorrectly responding to certain stimulus inappropriately, we give it power to take residence up in our minds, bodies and life.

     This stimulus ultimately decreases the amount of vitality/energy needed to progress upon the path. A shield of confidence can be created by accomplishing even the most rudimentary daily task while never losing sight of our long-term objectives. Life is comprised of simple small beauties and fulfillment's that nurture and nourish us. Let us consistently look out for natural genuine lasting happiness.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Building Character

When we make the conscious decision to build our character with a more refined sense of values and morale we begin to take on a better quality of thoughts, feelings and behaviors. After years of building a crude and hardened personality from the challenges and struggles of life,  this refinement takes a lot more time, effort and energy to cultivate. Like scrubbing scum off an old tub neglected for years in an abandoned old house, takes much back breaking effort. Character is our present state of patterns that represent our individual and personal habits and attitudes. Character can be considered the basis of our actions in the home and within society.

These patterns of thoughts, feelings, and actions reach a standard which reflects our self (good or bad), and it shows us who we are and how we are perceived by the world. To build character means to refine and correct our patterns of mental, emotional and physical behaviors that allow us to become assets to others in the world instead of liabilities. The one who decides to walk the Path of Conscious Self-Improvement takes on a great deal of personal responsibility. Because the uncontrolled mind is largely controlled by desire we must consciously make an intention to live more along the line of Self-Improvement.

In the initial stages we will begin to take note of our deficiencies and lacks, realizing imbalances that must be corrected. This is the process of self-observation followed by attempts at self-control. We discover what is missing in our nature and attempt to resolve our weaknesses and make them stronger, better. True self-assessment is a requirement as we observe that discipline and strong will are the real solution. Progress in our personal development calls for a re-orientation ("repentance"), a turning back or turning into a new direction.  We need only correct or re-train our ingrained bad habits and attitudes, that require us to consciously build in virtues towards our advancement. These virtues are clearly not yet present and need to be studied, mimicked and ingrained daily through virtuous habit-forming behaviors.

A wise one must remember that one tries & fails,
tries & fails,
but always tries again!



The Tibetan Master

"Sow Thought & Reap an Action; 

Sow an Action & Reap a Habit;

Sow A Habit & Reap Character;

Sow Character & Reap Destiny"

-Master DK

photo credit: Austin Yoder via photopin cc

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Self Esteem...Where is it?

Not many humans alive have been void of dealing with feelings of insecurity, self-doubt and low self esteem at some point in their lives. No matter there origins they have been there, and may still be there yet lucky for us they can be eradicated for good. When self-doubt plagues the mind the body almost always responds with in-action, rendering it motionless. This inability to react leaves the form stagnant, allowing daily responsibilities to pile up suffocating the person within a cave of darkness and depression. This is where the negative shadow side of the mind has paralyzed us into believing it is incapable of taking action.

The mind thus creates a perception full of images of phony failures, unreal blockages and and false setbacks, whether blocks are real or perceived perseverance is the ONLY solution. All leaders of success know life is fraught with failures, setbacks and obstacles that must be overcome.

“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.” 

"Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly"
- Robert F. Kennedy

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts"- Winston Churchill 

"with a little bite"
Struggles are simply the things we wish to avoid, the thing that makes us uncomfortable too weakened to face. Yet I ask you this which true coffee drinker wishes their coffee to be lukewarm? Coffee connoisseurs love a hot cup, with steam and a little bite in order to savor the true essence which makes the coffee more enjoyable. Like the hot cup of coffee you can not have life without a little bite in order to sense its true essence and know enjoyment. The jumping of hurdles of life make you wise, arm you for the future while strengthening your feelings of self worth. 

The secret solution to magnetized self esteem lies in the accomplishment of simple daily task. The feeling one receives from completing task necessary each day gives one the sense of fulfillment, peace and achievement.  Causing one to initiate newer, bigger and even heavier task. The more solid the foundation you lay in creating and completing responsibilities, the stronger your castle is to weather the storms. The goals to come become more noble, loftier in responsibility and offer a more plentiful, practical and stabilizing reward. When we avoid daily task, they pile up trapping us in a cavern of despair where the only escape is to take on one task piece by piece. Decreasing our load increases our self worth.

Begin task at a time,

In Honor & Admiration.



Thursday, January 1, 2015

Resolve to Loose the Resolution...

Because Resolutions have become so cliche in modern American New Year's customs so has the actions behind them become abated and slowed. When the conversation is had: "So what's your New Year's resolution", the cliche reply is typically "Quit smoking, loose weight, stop cursing...". All noble and admirable issues to contend with , yet the mere superficiality in the response speaks to the amount of energy the individual places on his resolution. This... advertisers, marketing and big business know so well as studies have shown that the average resolution dissipates in two weeks.

The truth is one must resolve to dedicate himself to something much deeper than that, one must resolve to take an oath at creating a healthier lifestyle and environment throughout the year of 2015! When you are focused first on the specifics/details the momentum rushes up (gyms are flooded) and quickly dies out, creating a pressure for the personality that causes it to rebel. Yet when you resolve to change the lifestyle habits and behaviors foremost then all things healthier will be the mission. If you resolve to "quit smoking", that is on the agenda for the entire year but not to place undue pressure on the mind that will rebel while quickly the intention fizzles out.

Placing increased pressure on oneself towards only one detail ruins the momentum needed to create a sustained balance to the entire objective. The details are needed in order to keep a consistent pace and plan throughout the course of the year but it must NOT be a mere pie in the sky that quickly plummets to the earth. Build a steady momentum, a steady strategized increase in energy towards an overall change in thinking, habit and behavior. Resolution takes a holistic view of the whole broken into the many parts and the parts broken down even further into daily task.

Once we map the new lifestyle we are resolving to create and commit to then a change in the mindset seeps in (seed planted) followed by alterations subtly in the behavior. We first decide to quit smoking, we make ask our family physician of a course to take (letting someone who can be of real assistance to achieving our task, they can also hold us accountable). We then take the needed steps, while increasing our daily exercise regimen to balance the changes happening in our body and environment. Make sense?  One mere solution to our entire resolution is not enough. In conclusion an overall agenda for the New Year is needed, a break down of plans are required and an execution of will is the final stage.

Try it & you will surely see results at the end of the year....dedication is key! 

