Sunday, December 28, 2014

Volcanic Emotions

Volcanic Emotions

    At the deepest level of each human being lie dormant sleeping emotions. These emotions cover our eyes like veils of curtains hiding what’s hidden within. As you grow through life veils color our beliefs, perceptions and the way we interact amongst others. They determine how we dress, how we speak, how we see ourselves and others and ultimately pushes or pulls us, towards or away from our divine purpose.  Responses and reactions to all situations are initiated by what we think we feel and when issues are unresolved our volcanic emotions attempt to rise to the surface in order to become purified. Over the years we add more pressure and strain to these already mounting cancers stored in our body and subconscious mind. At times these pressures can no longer be contained an inexplicable explosion occurs.

    Explosive circumstances may be heightened by fears, perceived threats, embarrassments or slights of the smallest kind either real or perceived. If we are determined to continue to deny, project or suppress these molten emotions, we persist in hardening our hearts, bodies and spirit. When we allow such harboring sensitivities to remain and hide we deny ourselves the true beauties of life and remain captive to our demons. We are void of seeing clearly, thinking truthfuly, perceiving correctly or loving deeply...Time to surrender!

It is time to recover, time to heal and time to rejuvenate!  

If we continue the way of our suffering, we may suffer a lifetime.

How, You ask?
     Here is what I suggest...Go deep, No, deeper than before! Enter into the cavern and choose to resolve these issues, armed with the tools of courage, wisdom and patience. When we move closer within spirit and consciously decide to become one with our inner nature we are always guided and protected. This is the first key to understanding our journey, we are never truly alone. When entering the dark cavern the light of our soul will lead the way and the voice of reason becomes even louder, more consoling. In our recovery it is up to us to correctly discern and discriminate this gentle voice. It is our truest nature our truest self shining light upon the dark abyss. I concede that we all possess the mechanisms necessary to nurture the process of recovery and rehabilitation best suited to our own nature.

When the voice speaks...LISTEN…

    When you have just experienced a heightened state of emotion such as frustration, rage, extreme hatred, jealousy etc. It is important to be truthful and honest with the emotion, denial or blame are unhealthy and counterproductive. Our first response is to condemn, project our feelings on to others, feel guilt, blame, renounce or deny our responsibility in the disruption. This is a system consciousness has brilliantly designed as a defense against the breakdown of the mind. Yet this apparatus cloaks the truth denying us the ability to take full responsibility and engage the healing process, maybe not so clever after all.
    At the state of taking full responsibility in our responses and reactions we can forgive and release the pressure that is clogging our emotional pours. During the moment of intense reaction it is beneficial to permit our soul/inner voice to talk us through the intensity in order to de escalate the rising volcano. Thus allowing the taming of the beast and taking charge of the very thing we are denying. If we deny that we are angry, jealous, resentful or embarrassed (the hidden emotions) we deny our control (taming) of it. Therefore we must simply acquiesce and agree that our response or emotion is unnecessary and unhealthy. My thinking: “Maybe I am embarrassed, hurt, ashamed or guilty”, then what next? We contend to forgive ourselves, acknowledge the need for change, look into the face of the emotion and resound to combat it with a positive each and every time it rears its ugly head. “ I will use a more peace-filled reaction next time, not because I am weak but because it is not worth the fight”.
    This will deny it power over you and each time this is done your feelings of empowerment with override your negative emotions and they will no longer be the response. This will change your response making positive reaction the new unconscious reaction after all the work you will not truly notice the change because it will be an automatic endeavor yet others will notice. The key is to be completely blameless and avoid denial in order to divert responsibility. This is a major key in recovery and rehabilitation of breaking the mental chains that bind us deliberately to our emotional past. Clear the cavern, clear the air and clean the old system while creating a new way of thinking, feeling and responding. Remember that the voice that guides is your voice it is you in charge of your recovery. Veils become lifted while burdens lighten causing irrational responses to become non-existent, moving you more in line with your true nature.
One day at a time...One situation at a time!  

We can do this…We will resolve to do This...
With my utter respect and admiration for your journey,

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Prayer for the Weary


From the point of Light within the Mind of God, 

Let Light stream forth into the minds of men,

Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God, 

Let Love stream forth into the hearts of men,

May Christ return to Earth.

From the centre where the Will of God is known, 

Let purpose guide the little wills of men,
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.
From the centre which we call the race of men, 

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out,

And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth. 

OM … OM … OM
For those who are drawn to this work, click on the following link for further information.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Inner Child ...Please Rise!

The plague of doubt affects us on more levels than we can imagine. When considering real or perceived blocks to our personal and spiritual progress we must travel deeper than what is on the surface. Like an iceberg we typically notice only what is at the surface and rarely acknowledge what is submerged. We fail to pierce at what is lingering down under, where truth lies and healing begins. The truth, is that the majestic iceberg is latent with traps hidden below and is the darker side of self. Latent blocks to consider may be issues of trust, fear, insecurities, hatred, resentment and the like. These intangible, silent and subtle perceptions have built up from our young fragile minds as children dealing with stressers we have experienced. We have incorporated them into our patterns, belief systems and thinking and they have grown encrusted upon our vision clouding the way we look at the entire world around us. 

These are our belief systems and we must realize that at mature times in our lives it is necessary  to do some "Spring Cleaning" or "Winter Resolving" about getting rid of the old and allowing in the new. The same goes for our mental beliefs that more than likely house doubt, fears, hatred etc. Our current perceptions are the real blocks to achieving what we aspire to accomplish in this short span of life. It is nearly impossible to trek forward in our current state with beliefs that have not reached a matured level of resolution and forgiveness. Barriers affect us financially, socially, mentally and psychologically, they resound in our relationships and our beliefs about relationship building and the commitment and responsibilities we have while in them. When looking through a mindset of lack, poverty or inability (victim perception or blame) we contribute to our feelings of doubt closing off our trust in the divine/universal truth. 

To shift into a more abundant overflowing consciousness your trust must evolve from love, surrender and trust at the deepest level. You must visually dive deep into the subconscious latent levels, shrouded in a blanket of love, searching for those thoughts/blocks ready for release. Those at the core created at an earlier state of "conscious belief building", a time when you were afraid, lost, scared, vulnerable, alone, abandoned, confused, feeling unloved, unwanted or misunderstood. At vulnerable states in our lives we build walls that act as prisons to our vision, our highest nobility, a prison for the indwelling soul. When our inner negative mantra is "I hate", "I can't", "There wasn't", "There isn't"...then we are affirming our lack and building upon our lost feelings concertizing the barriers  imprisoning the most precious jewel of ourselves. Now we are too afraid to RISE, too afraid to love, too weak to trust, too scared to dare. We have truly lost our way, while building our castles on the sands of lost time, we must intend to destroy the old blocks and barriers and lay the foundation for the new. Here comes a New Year..resolve again to manifest the New You!

You are surely Loved,
