Saturday, October 11, 2014


To All Those Without Solid Footing

We are not Homeless I AM Boundless
The Path of the Wanderer
not able to be contained
by Thought, Principle or Form

Not by Home nor by Occupation
Not in Body
The largest Fear is NOT the task
it is the Confinement
It is in the Breaking of molds;
Binding of Spirit
This is my nightmare
coming to this understanding
I have superimposed myself in my own mental prison

Walls cannot contain my Spirit
Housing cannot define my way
Freedom is my Nature
Warrior is my essence
and PEACE shall I pursue

It is the Cherokee, unable to Conform
it is not the caged beast in me
longing to Be Subdued
it is the imprisoned Spirit in me that longs
Nah, craves

Freedom is my Home
Spirit is my shelter
 Peace is my destiny
Cease in the craving after the things you most want &
 that Thing shall Be given unto!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Coal encrusted Jewels


    For all those who seek a life of fulfillment will eventually learn that healing lies in pain. There in that pain can healing be sought. As all therapist know one must dig deep to unravel layers of coal encrusted soot to get to the gems that lie beneath the surface. Tis such the case for those who seek the Path to Enlightenment or the Path of Light, one must journey and struggle through the darkness of self in order to release their inner potential.
    In that journey of spiraled descent lies victories and defeats, into love and loss, pain and recovery one arrives at a clearer state of awareness. A state where greater wisdom has been obtained and acceptance and forgiveness understood, where the promise of more light is bestowed to the physical vessel.  A vessel that now houses unconditional love, excelled tolerance, kindness and compassion with a clearer sense of inner peace. Yet my friend, I am here to profess that the victory is far from over and short lived. The true tests have only just begun now that you have entered the Path.
    This is a new beginning on your journey and travels of unraveling your true nature. Reaching gentle soul contact and sharing spiritual communion with self is the most notable and awe-inspiring joy of the Path. Although the battle has only begun, there is a deeper, more coal encrusted challenge that one needs to approach. One that requires strength of the body and mind, not the mere stroke of brush yet pain-staking endurance to chisel the tougher surfaces. Now comes a struggle to be endured with fortitude and resolve too continue to the task at all cost and any duration of time, until fully completed. The more encrusted substances are hard to reach, lie deeper below the surface and requires more physical efforts and actions (prayer, invocation and meditation) in order to first uncover, nonetheless to continue and conquer.
    This thick soot having been there longer than we care to imagine, defiling our true nature and holding us back from what is divinely intended is the hardship. Whether karmic in nature or genetic in pre-dispositioning (inherited) matters very little, the goal is certain, it can remain no longer!  One can recognize the inherited qualities when looking into the make up of the family and its structure. Consider their personal struggles and the hurdles the entire clan/tribe endures. To release this "family curse" as some would call it, you must shoulder responsibility for its existence and its release. Relinquishing blockages of self, saves your off-spring and absolves (exonerates) the entire family throughout past, present or future generations.
    No this is no easy feat yet the goal is set and the plan initiated with challenges understood as standing firm in the light being the intent. Generational curses may take the form of addiction or abuse, stand firm, seek therapy and gain resolve. May come in the form of emotional or mental illness, accept, take personal responsibility and Be the One! There may lie toxic or hidden resentments, forgive, rise above and resolve within to let go. Whatever the challenge the battle will rage on unless you resolve to accept and conquer it. This requires knowledge of self, courage, tactics and awareness.
    The expanded awareness and wisdom that resulted in past achievements has been bestowed to you as tools in order to meet the new challenges to come. Know the Path to light is not an easy one and not for the weak or faint at heart yet has and will be continued, it is our destiny. So congratulations on your triumph, though short lived, and onward and upward for the battle continues towards knowledge of Self. Be the One!

In the utmost esteem,
