All things you are capable of already exist within you and within this Infinite Source. You already are your successes and your ambitions it is merely up to you to live and move in it daily. By simply quieting the body, mind and emotions for a short period in the morning. Sitting still before the morning rush and floods of the day, in this quiet allow the Absolute Spirit to move freely within and around you. Give it permission to exist in your life and hold sway over your decisions, thinking and behaviors. Typically the ones that are most toxic to a peace-filled lifestyle. By bathing in its presence and its intensity, visualize its brilliance and how it becomes cleansing. Everyday allow it to move within you, breathe it in and feel its radiance throughout the day, your mind will be calmed, your heart will be pure, your words kind, your thinking clear and your body refreshed. I encourage you to get in touch with this Absolute, make peace with it, make friends with it become one with it. Revitalize this kinship that always was and always is and shall forever be. For this presence is you, and me and All, there is nothing but this presence for all else is the unreal, the fake, the miserable! Once the connection is reestablished we can never be separated for we were never separated. It is our true nature, our real nature our only nature, there is nothing else. This is our sacred divinity, this is our freedom and our sovereignty.
This is the new YOU, this is the real YOU, the one you have been waiting for...
In unconditional Love,