Monday, April 3, 2017

Identifying with Self...

"In order to know who you are you have to stop believing in who you are not"-TG

You are not your emotions. You have emotions whether sad, happy or angered but they are not who you are. When you identify with being an angry person, you lock the emotion into your consciousness. Then your perceptions and beliefs and even your body will start to resonate with anger or sadness. This will color the way you see yourself, others, experiences, and the world.

So it is beneficial to cease identifying personally with the moods, expressions, and emotions that we experience. If we sense an emotion simply clarify it and call it what it is, letting it flow through you. Then resign not to have guilt about feeling and sensing a natural human expression. We are divine beings having human experiences, it is natural to have physical, emotional, sexual, psychological and mental behaviors and practices. Yet it is not the totality of your Beingness.

Thus your Beingness is greater than your mind, voice, heart which influence your beliefs, memories, and relationships. It is a connection to a Source of Supreme Beingness of which we all resonate and emanate from the exact design. As you walk your Path towards something greater resolve in its simplicity to remain as centered to the core of Beingness as humanly possible. This is the importance of your experience and existence no matter how you choose to express it.

Express it through wisdom and cultivation!

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Sunday, October 9, 2016

State of OUR world!

AZ Quotes: picture
With the state of the world, what should be our personal focus? Should our focus be the law of self-preservation and fanatically continue our attention towards ourselves? Should we stand for a cause and lend our voice and hand? Should we turn a blinds eyes as we commit to a stance of that being “not my problem”?

Each man can and will adhere to his own personal beliefs and survival techniques. He will always attempt by nature to preserve himself and perpetuate his species. But to its fanatical end, is our most pressing issue. Man denying brotherhood and oneness is the concern of the species at present. Man can no longer remain deaf to the cry’s sounded in the night. He can no longer turn a blind eye to the oppression, hatred, and strife surrounding his small quieted world. Or can he? And how has this worked for him thus far?

It is natural for man to surround himself with things that bring him much comfort. Those things that displease him he simply builds a wall against, or changes the channel. He may, if he feels an inclination of concern, offer some small cliche that makes him rest with ease at night. “Things will get better or one day at a time”. He may formulate denial and say things aren’t that bad or may even resort to blame and make the victim out to be the culprit. These are all delusions and forms of psychological defense that help the mind go on about its daily business.

Still forget not that the conscious mind stores things in its subconscious dwelling space, things to heinous and hideous to deal with. So please understand that when there is despair in the world and when the darkness “seeming” overshadows the light, and when there stands many oppressed.. We are all oppressed. Please understand that deep inside there is surely unrest of the soul and tension in the mind (whether conscious or unconscious) this is what connects us all. Though our mind may be too weak deal with the pressures of the world our heart is still heavy with dread. We are all connected and until this fact is known and lived, disease of the mind, attack of the heavy heart and sickness of the world will be its result.

It is your choice the commitment you choose to make, make it a good one that will release you from your burdened “subconscious” prison.

We will remain as ever ONE!


Sunday, May 29, 2016

a translation

WB Yeats' translation of the Isha Upanishad begins,

"All is perfect, so perfectly perfect!
Whatever being lives, moves
And Breathes on Earth
At every level from atom to Galaxy
Is absolutely perfect in its place.
Precise and choreographed
Because "That" flows from the 
Glory of God,
The Lord,
The Self,
The Source,
Peace and Love,
And is therefore perfect.
When you have surrendered your ego to "That"
You will find true happiness.
Never ever envy the place of 
Any other man or woman.




Wednesday, May 11, 2016


Starving the beast within:

There lies a lingering beast inside of you,
making it seem as the personality is two.

It waits, it lurks,
under hurts,
or hovering above you,
silently it smirks.

Who comes close prepare for fight,
ravaging, raging, even deep in the night.

Haunting and tormenting,
remain vigilant in sleep,
when you awaken there lies slaughtered sheep.

Fret not my friend for the will is strong,
be joyous and persevering,
for it won't be long.

Til onde day in Epiphany comes a saving Force,
Deep from inside,
an indomitable Source.

Remain alert seeking the Path,
for one day anew,
be released from the past.

Forgive in the moment, ever loving with patience,
all are your brothers,
similarily guarding their stations.

Release & let go, the Universe is infinitely embracing,
purifying old wounds,
the mind has been chasing,

Take heed and ponder,
my words are not new,
just a humble disciple outstretched hands
waiting for YOU!


Sunday, April 24, 2016

Weakened will...

Symptoms of a weakened will

  • Difficulty in the ability to start or complete task
  • placing energy into areas of little significance to personal development, total well-being or growth and advancement (whether spiritual, family, emotional, economic, career, relationships or relaxation...etc)
  • feeling a heavy burden on the body causing inability to move or get motivated.
  • lack of desire in beneficial activities that once caused joy and pleasure.
  • withdraw and isolation.
  • inability to focus on one particular issue, concern or event for long periods of time.
  • irritability, mood swings or irrational thoughts. 
We must be ever vigilant of our personal will, will power is a divine gift and one to be increased and enhanced. A weakened will can go virtually unnoticed. We may cast it aside due to blame, judgement of others or doubt. We may assume that it is the fault of others or circumstances that cause us to be uninterested in things of importance. A weak will is a dangerous phenomena that should be consider one of our greatest obstacles to overcome. 

When we have a task that must be accomplished, thought should go into how much energy we need in order to accomplish the task. After that is assessed, ponder the level of our will and act to increase it. Most times some sit idly in long speech of the task to accomplish, draining themselves of the needed energy to carry on.  We spend too much time in mental preparation, visual imagery or imagination over-contemplating tools necessary. This is beneficial only if it does not over-extend into the time for task completion. 


Take a task, even very small and resolve to complete it (like taking a walk after dinner). Offer yourself a set measurable time, for example: I will give 25 minutes for X to be started on Thursday May 15th. This will give you a time-frame that is measurable and resolve to complete even the first portion. Then reward yourself for simply completing the task (a relaxing cup of tea).This builds the will, increasing discipline while building self-esteem. One must remain consistent and persevering!!!

To be continued....

